Ham House
Sounds like a stack of chinese shipping containers
kd5sak wrote:
Living in a small tent rather than a house would maximize the room
available for HF antennas, and be great for VHF/UHF communications from
inside. Best to put the tent at a corner of the lot.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
How about making all rooms 20'x20' and stacking them with a slightly larger
garage as the ground floor. With the currently popular 10' ceilings, a 3
bedroom, 2 bath house with a den and dining room would bring your roofline
to approx. 90 feet. I think one could work wonders with the den/shack as the
upper room, especially with a "widows walk porch" going all the way around
it. (G) Am only half kidding with this design.