CB radio amplifiers for sale CHEAP!
There was a guy, well known but I can't remember the name, something like
"Jo Emmings", who wrote a number of articles about fairly unusual amplifiers.
He either worked for Eimac or Varian, or a company that made vaccuum
variables. The articles I've seen were in CQ, in the late fifties.
MIchael VE2BVW
That author was Jo Jennings, W6EI. He owned Jennings Radio,
and manufactured vacuum variable capacitors and vacuum relays,
which were featured in his designs.
The CQ "New Sideband Handbook" (1958), edited by Don Stoner,
has a 4CX1000A linear design by Jennings. He got the rf deck
(less blower) to fit in a box 6" X 11" X 7".
The design used a passive grid circuit, and could be driven
by a CB power level rig.
Ed Knobloch