From: Paul W. Schleck on Fri, Sep 22 2006 4:09 pm
From: Paul W. Schleck on Thurs, Sep 21 2006 12:21 pm
"Torturing my words" is a turn of phrase that says that you have twisted
my words' meaning or context, specifically the context in which I might
have used the word "enjoy."
"Might have used?" :-) How "might" you have used it?
I don't live in alternate space-time continuums nor can I
read minds of others.
I never stated that I "enjoy" the negative
behavior that presently goes on in here, nor used synonymous phrasing
(see below).
Tsk. "Synonymous phrasing?" :-)
You're stating a falsehood that you are unwilling to
retract, even in the face of available, contrary evidence. Is that
clear enough?
Am I to expect Federal Marshalls at my door to "pick me up"
any minute? :-)
Paul, all I did was write some words in the same
context as some amateur morsemen love to do...and then you
take that as "a falsehood that you are unwilling to retract"!
Your buttons got pushed. And your "arming switch" was set
to "FIRE!" rather than "Safe." :-)
You're clearly wanting to argue it both ways. You want to make unproven
assertions, then if the accused want to defend themselves and offer
convincing evidence in their defense, you want to admonish them for not
understanding that "this is not a court of law."
This newsgroup is NOT a court of law. Really.
I have since found the specific E-mail message to you, dated January 23
2004, that supports my denial. Do you object to me putting it up
temporarily off of my home page, and posting a link here?
I have no objections. You are welcome to copy Robeson's
short-lived home page of "Never Trust Lennie" if you are
so disturbed by things in here. :-)
[I don't have a copy. Too bad. It was a classic of libel
and outrage by one who could not control himself in here]
I can't possibly control the actions of a licensed extra class
radio amateur (20 WPM code test kind), can I? After all,
those licensed extra class radio amateurs who are "participants"
in here can't control the trolls, anony-mousies, sociopaths,
and others (too strange to classify) who post in here. You
expect ME to "control them?" :-)
I was referring to individuals like K8MN, N2EY, and "Old Friend" who
have followed up in this thread. A wider audience than just the trolls
and problem users.
Small Freudian slip there. "Individuals" who you think are
surnamed by call letters are rather blatant pro-morse-code-
test fanatics. The "Old Friend" is also a licensed US
radio amateur but you fail to note his call and name. Mark
Morgan is a no-code-test advocate. See the relationship?
The probable (note supposition, not fact) "moderation" to
be seems evident.
If words are useless in this forum, why do you continue to contribute
many, many such words?
Because I can! :-)
I guess I can't argue with that.
Right! Now you are beginning to see the problem! :-)
This newsgroup has been out of control for a long time.
Anyone can post anything, including someone who forges
your name ".
That's the reason that I recommend Total Dissolution of
this newsgroup. Elimination. For an indefinite period
of time.
I can't make sense of it, but I can't argue with it.
Then you would be a poor choice for moderator. I've had
experience as a BBS public board moderator for several
years. It takes "brass ones" to be polite to everyone
but its the only way to do effective moderation. You
CANNOT be a participant in ANY argumentative subject in
such an environment. That would be subjective bias.
Such as what you want to do in here...
Outside of FCC Comments and Petitions, there are very few UNBIASED
venues for speaking one's mind on any amateur radio policy issues.
Well, at least you're willing to admit that the FCC Comments and
Petitions process is unbiased to submitters.
"Admit?!?" [bad choice of a word, Paul]
I have STATED what I wrote before. The FCC has stated that.
The Communications Act of 1934 that established the FCC must
accept commentary from all citizens on radio regulations,
ALL radio regulations. It is STATED in law.
We have/had some on this
newsgroup that weren't even willing to admit that.
NOT my problem, NOT my words you talk about. "You want to
make unproven assertions, then if the accused want to
defend themselves and ..." Do not blame me for "others
I found *Herb's* "standards of newsgroup righteousness" to be
arbitrary, and said so.
So noted. Now what, another knock on the door by
"officials" for partially agreeing with him?
Dave Heil is free to chime in again if he feels that I have misquoted
him by my assertion that he agrees with me that Herb was being
disingenuous, and that Herb was not speaking for him.
Heil frequently "chimes in" about others and others'
words, even taking it upon himself to "answer" replies
made to another. He does this mostly to no-code-test
advocates who are replying to amateur extra morsemen.
Google is full of his posts in that manner. QED.
["Chimes?" A whole table full of ringing bells manned
by morsemen ringers...and ding-alingers]
I acknowledge that we have problem users, trolls, etc. on this
newsgroup. I will consult, on an ongoing basis, with newsgroup
participants for *specific* recommendations for actions, such that I am
not contributing to this problem through my inaction.
As I said before this post and in this post, I recommend
Total Dissolution of this newsgroup. For an indefinite
time period. [can't get any more "specific" than that]
This newsgroup does not serve its original purpose, that
of arguing the morse code test retention or elimination
in US amateur radio regulations. It has become a sewer
of filthy outpourings from trolls, sociopaths, misfits,
some of whom are identifiable as having amateur radio
licenses...very few engaging in an approximation of
"debate." It is a travesty of its intended purpose.
Would that satisfy you?
Why do you ask? I am a no-code-test advocate. My FCC
license is a Commercial one. I don't parrot ARRL maxims.
I am merely a US citizen, one who has made a career in
electronics-radio, and served his country honorably in
the US military. Why ask ME? I'm not a "participant"
in licensed amateur radio...the kind where all the
licensees think they "run" it. I'm not one to slavishly
hold to old standards and practices in amateurism when
they are out of date. I don't need the emotional
sustenance of rank-status-title for "privileges" that
were lobbied for by older rank-status-title amateurs.
If you need to ASK someone, look to the public, to those
who WILL inherit the future involving radio. They will
outlive the rest of us. Will those of the near-future
look on US amateur radio as a quaint anachronism of
ancient times if it is frozen in place? I am willing
to bet they will but I'm hopeful to be proven wrong
on that statement. Only time will tell...
Life Member, IEEE (a professional association with 397
thousand members worldwide)