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Old September 23rd 06, 03:35 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 194
Default All Of The Things That Leonard H Anderson ([email protected]) Is NOT.....And KB9RQZ Says Learning Code is EASY!

K4YZ repeated for emphasis:
on Thurs, Sep 7 2006 6:42 pm

You see, learning Morse Code was "hard work" for Len back then.

The WORK only required concentration. What was HARD
was not the work but something else. Consider that I
had this female living with me that, well, maybe you
can pick up a romance novel and read about what would
happen. You don't seem to know much about such
things, only amateur radio and morsemanship...

Interesting...Lennie suggesting that someone else "...pick up a
(romance) novel and read about what would happen..."

You see, it seems that most of what Lennie "knows" about "radio"
and other subjects IS from what he's read...NOT those

And from all apparent evidence (Lennie's own words...), Lennie
READS a lot, but hasn't really DONE much...

Here's a list of what Lennie is NOT:

Lennie is NOT a licensed Amateur Radio operator...Never
was...never will be. Although he's held jobs as a radio MECHANIC in
years past, what Lennie "knows" about OPERATING radios (save CB and
channelized plug-and-play radios) comes from READING about it. There
are grade school children with more EXPERIENCE in REAL radio operating
than Lennie could hope to obtain if he got a license today.

Lennie QUOTES a lot of books and often refers to a lifelong
friendship with a couple of persons who DO have licenses, but Lennie
just can't seem to get over that huge, looming hurdle...The one labled
"EGO"...that would allow him to take the same exams that every other
mortal has to take to get the aforementioned license.

His sole claim-to-fame is an inside-out theoretical expertise on a
military radio asset known as SINCGARS...Not that this radio is even
remotely related to AMATEUR RADIO, but whenever Lennie get's backed
into a corner (which is more often than he's comfortable with...) he
bombs the RRAP NG with yet another re-telling of how SINCGARS has saved
the day for military communications...Not AMATUER...But MILITARY...with
or without J-38 attached.

Oh...yes....Lennie NEVER carried a SINCGARS radio. Not once.

Lennie is NOT a licensed Aviator. Yet Lennie's presumed to tell
those of us who are all about aerial navigation, aircraft types,
missions, functions, etc. He WAS a student pilot some time in the late
50's or early 60's, but never managed to solo or complete the program,
even to the very basic Private Pilot/SEL. Merely one of many things
that Lennie started but never finished. Lennie's sole present day
"experience" in Aviation is monitoring the AWOS and ATIS at Los Angeles
International Airport on his scanner.

Please note that in the aforementioned licensing issues, Lennie
lapses into tales of "...I had better things to do..." when pushed on
the subject. He can't seem to explain how it is that OTHER persons
manage to carry the same educational, employment, domestic and military
service "loads" and STILL manage to pass an Amateur exam, though. Seems
that by claimig such greater noble endevaors, he's immunized himself
from "why haven't YOU done it" inquiries. None of which, of course,
explains why he hasn't done those things NOW that he's "retired from
regular hours..."

Lennie is NOT a licensed psychiatrist. Yet Lennie presumes to
make diagnosis of mental aberations, define personality types, and
otherwise attempt to appear as though he has a "grip" on the human
psyche. The evidence is that there's very little that Lennie has a
grip on. Most of this was information gleaned from his wife's
correspondence course texts that are stored in some storage facility
"up north" (the same place where his "expired" GROL is stored, no
doubt). He's often caught in "pot calling the kettle black" situations
as he often accuses others of doing exactly those things that he's been
doing (as archived in Google) for over a decade.

Lennie is NOT a member of any public service organization, paid OR
volunteer. However Lennie's gone to great lengths to presume to tell
others who ARE in such organizations how meaningless thier services are
and how wasted thier efforts are. Lennie's even presumed to express an
INFORMED opinion of these organizations dating back to his pre-teen
years. This is most true of persons who are in volunteer roles.
According to Lennie, only those persons who receive monetary
compensation for thier services are "true" emergency or "Public
Service" providers. That a great proportion of such services are
rendered by volunteers in the United States falls on deaf ears to
"Show-Me-The-Money Anderson".

Lennie is NOT currently a member of the Armed Forces, their
auxiliaries or any state defense or homeland security program. He DID
serve ONE voluntary tour of duty in the US Army, ending in 1956,
however he's not worn a uniform since then. Of course that ONE tour of
duty over 50 years ago seems to have imbued him with an all-knowing
wisdom of "all-things-military" before and ever since. He's even gone
as far as to presume to discuss the aircraft types and missions flown
by the auxiliary of the Air Force, yet even that data was dated by
almost TWO decades.

Of course Lennie FREQUENTY switches into his "VFW bar room war
vet" mode, presuming to tell us about what it's like to work under the
threat of aircraft that WERE NOT in service when he was on Active Duty
and to tell us what it's like to be on the receiving end of incomming
artillery barrages despite having never been "down range". All tales
no doubt inspired by Clancy novels. His tales also include trying to
embellish his own "service" by somehow tying his service to that of a
unit he onced belonged to that had KIA's in the Korean conflict...THREE
YEARS before Lennie was even inducted and no where near the
battleground where the KIA's occured.

Also, no one may have done anything even remotely patriotic if
their duties didn't include uniformed service.

This is assinine, of course, considering that the military does
NOT carry out it's mission without those engineers, machinists,
technicians and other defense industry laborers who provide the
machines and the technology to "fight smart". (Anyone ever hear of
"Rosie the Riveter"? Kelly Johnson? Robert Oppenheimer?) Those
persons are subject to immediate demeaning and humiliation at the hands
of a veteran who should know better since he had to use that
technology. He (Lennie) often brags about the make-and-model radios he
worked on during his tour in the Army...I am willing to bet the folks
that designed and built those radios were not wearing khaki when they
did it.

Lennie's NOT a healthcare provider at ANY level, yet he's presumed
to tell people who ARE healthcare providers what is and isn't "policy"
and "practice" in that field. Lennie could doubtfully apply a bandaid
to an abrasion without reading the instructions first. But again,
Lennie's presumed to enter into this discipline as "knowledgeable", yet
turns up as short on knowledge and experience.

Lennie is NOT a parent. He's never sired or raised children, yet
he presumes to tell those who HAVE done it all about what constitutes a
"mature" or "responsible" child. He's gone as far as to suggest to the
Federal Communications Commission that persons under a certain age
should not be allowed to be licensed radio operators due to "maturity"
issues. Lennie's been repeatedly asked to pony-up some form of
evidence, perferably in the form of FCC NAL's or NOV's served upon
"underage" operators to substantiate this concept, but so far he's not
been able to put a finger on a single one.

Lennie's NOT a "veteran" of duties in the "Foreign Service", yet
again he presumes to demean and otherwise attempt to diminish the
service of those that are or were. Lennie bristles at the suggestion
that HE is anything less than an "expert" in his supposed realm of
expertise based upon years of service, but again, Lennie attempts to
exact a toll on those who would report career length experiences DOING
the things Lennie can only SPECULATE about. This inlcudes duty
postings, communications systems, political circumstances, etc. No
lack of experience will deter Leonard H. Anderson from attempting to
look "informed" on issues he clearly has no experience in.

This list could go on-and-on...Lennie's "CV" of "life long
interests but never quite got there" bullets is long and lackluster.
Perhaps one day before the actuary tables catch up to him, Lennie might
actually get involved in some of the things he's presumed to express
"expert opinion" on in this forum, but that's very, VERY improbable...

And why does Morkie keep insisting that I am "lying" when all I am

doing is quoting HIM verbatim?

I'm not.

Here's YOUR words AGAIN, Morkie:

Message-ID: .com

KB9RQZ Said: "oh learning code is easy"

There you have it, folks! Morkie says learning code is easy!

Quoted Word For Word!

Steve, K4YZ