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Old July 11th 03, 02:01 AM
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Jim Kelley wrote:
The waves themselves are indeed identical, i.e. you can't measure a
difference between them on a transmission line. But one might indeed be
transferring energy while the other is not.

How can two waves that are identical possibly be doing different things.
It doesn't make any sense at all. Waves cannot exist without intrinsic
energy!!! If any wave is destroyed, it gives up its energy. There is
simply no other place for the energy to go.

How does the wave know ahead of time whether it is going to encounter a
dissipative load or not? It obviously cannot know ahead of time so all
waves with the same V and I in phase carry the same amount of energy.

This is a misconception on your part. I don't claim anything has to
know anything. That is your claim, and I don't agree. I think it's silly.

That the wave has to be smart falls out from your assertions. Your waves
appear to exist without intrinsic energy so they have to know ahead of time
whether to exist without energy or not. Only a wave existing without energy
could be destroyed and not give up any energy in the process.

But you need to understand that it is only your theory. It is an
unproven, and unsupported theory. I've tried to come up with support
for it, but find none.

Please reference the cross-posting from sci.physics.electromag. Somebody
predicted that those guys would tear me apart. On the contrary, they
tend to agree with me.

It can be shown that at the first boundary, two reflected waves
destructively interfere, producing zero reflected energy. It can also
be seen at that boundary that the two waves traveling in the forward
direction yield all of the forward energy due to their constructive

Those reflected waves not only destructively interfere, they are
destroyed so they MUST give up any intrinsic energy in the waves.
Nothing else is possible.

Yes, you can
say the amount cancelled in the reflected direction equals the amount of
enhancement in the forward direction. But that doesn't mean energy had
to turn around in order to accomplish that.

Huh??? "Reflected" to "forward" isn't a turn around? Can I have a hit
off whatever you are smokin'? :-)

That would only be true if
energy were indeed traveling in the reverse direction to begin with.
When we realize it's not, there's nothing left to account for Cecil.

If reflected energy from a mismatched load is not traveling in the
reverse direction, pray tell what direction is it traveling in? I
can see you haven't referenced the reflected power flow vector.

There's no conservation of energy problem to solve.

There certainly is in your scenario. The reflected energy doesn't ever
change directions but it somehow joins the forward wave anyway. Can
you spell B-A-F-F-L-E-G-A-B? We know reflected energy is traveling
rearward from a mismatched load. Your mantras cannot change that
fact of physics.
73, Cecil

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