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Old December 8th 03, 02:31 AM
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Default Kenwood TS-480 specs

The TS-480HX/ -480SAT is out, apparently. At least HRO says they have
some stock. Kenwood USA web site ( is very unhelpful in
general (IMO) and is specifically unhelpful about the -480 - "No
additional information is currently available regarding price or time
of availability."

However, the German Kenwood site is much better, esp. if
you read German. The big item is that they have the _English_
operating manual available as a pdf: .

So I downloaded it (5 MB), and its specs are interesting: includes 60
M, for example. However, the receiver specs are very sketchy. What I
want to know is whether this rig has a competitive receiver in terms
of BDR, IMDDR, etc.

I am afraid since they give no specs like this, they're not going to
be especially good.

They do claim good flexibility for PSK31 filter settings, which is
very good for me, along with 60 M.

Anyone with data, please give a pointer.

73 - Martin, AA6E