Gerritsen Sentenced
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September 25th 06, 04:49 PM posted to
Dave Heil
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 750
Gerritsen Sentenced
From: Dave Heil on Sun, Sep 24 2006 2:59 pm
From: on Sat, Sep 23 2006 7:06 pm
Dave Heil wrote:
From: Paul W. Schleck on Fri, Sep 22 2006 4:09 pm
From: Paul W. Schleck on Thurs, Sep 21 2006 12:21 pm
I lose no privileges whether morse code testing disappears or not.
Then WHY are you so angry and antagonistic to those of
us who want to eliminate the code test?
You keep making the same mistake, over and over. I'm not angry. I'm
ridiculing you, Len Anderson.
No harm will come
to you if the test is eliminated.
Any change made to regulations dealing with amateur radio effect me and
all others current licensees.
Heil is fixated on his one-cannot-possibly-talk-about-
getting-into-amateur-radio until one is already in
amateur radio. [the "chicken and the egg" arrived
at the same time logic...]
You've talked. You've commented to the FCC.
Ah, but Heil has NOT answered his illogical stance on
WHO may comment or otherwise talk about amateur radio
My stance isn't illogical at all. It can't begin to compare to a fellow
who spends ten years of his life obsessed with something in which he has
no involvement. You're amateur radio fetish is beyond compare.
You've commented, ranted,
railed and have generally acted like a small child here.
Now, now, you are beginning to act angry and petulant
again. :-)
I'm not at all angry. I'm pointing out a fact.
No one at any state's DMV needs hold a drivers license.
WRONG. Driving inspectors MUST hold valid drivers
licenses in Illinois and California.
Great. I'll grant that those administering actual driving tests are
quite likely to need a driving license. Those who work inside, the
clerks who transfer titles, issue licenses and such, don't need such a
You don't work at the DMV or the FCC.
Clear something up for us: Do you REQUIRE that anyone
work at a Department of Motor Vehicles in order to talk
and discuss US amateur radio regulations?!?
Clear something up for "us": Do you have anything at all to do with any
state DMV or the Federal Communications Commission?
A most irrational statement you made.
Here's a plain and simple fact: The FCC does NOT require
any commissioner or staffer to be granted amateur radio
licenses in order to regulated US civil radio. Really.
And? If any of those FCC employees or commissioners want to take part
in amateur radio, they need to obtain a license in the same manner as
anyone else who becomes licenses. Really.
You don't regulate.
Regulate WHAT? There are many many things that I
regularly regulate. :-)
Oh, yes. When a man gets to a certain age, he is likely to need more
fiber in his diet. :-)
US civil radio regulations
are NOT something I regulate.
I thought I said that.
You aren't a radio amateur.
True, but what DOES that have to do with talking about
US amateur radio regulations?
Nobody has stopped you from talking. What you want is a quiet audience.
You aren't entitled to that.
You have no stake in amateur radio.
Now, now, Count Dracula, don't get worried. :-)
I'm not at all worried, Len.
Tsk, you are still angry and petulant. NOT a good
You make the same mistake over and over and over.
YOU are an amateur extra but YOU do NOT regulate US
amateur radio.
I recall saying that.
The FCC does that, grants amateur
radio licenses, shuts down amateur radio stations for
rules violations, can even establish federal fines for
such violations.
That's right. You have the hang of it. I've not been shut down nor
fined. You, on the other hand, aren't involved in amateur radio.
I'm fully aware that I don't "rule" amateur radio.
You don't rule there. You don't regulate amateur radio.
I used the term which was stated by Leonard H. Anderson.
I'm fully aware that the FCC does "rule" amateur radio.
Are you SURE about that? You vacillate back and forth
so much...
I haven't stated that I'm going to obtain an Extra right out of the box,
then that I have no intention of obtaining an amateur radio license and
then that I am getting into amateur radio and then that I have no desire
to obtain an amateur radio license. Now *that* is vacillation!
I'm fully aware that you aren't the FCC or a radio amateur.
Remarkable 'awareness!' Do you think that will get you
a cookie? :-)
It already did.
The FCC tells Heil "what to do" and Heil has no choice
but to obey...or lose his precious amateur extra class
When it comes to amateur radio, you are not bound by FCC regulations
unless you decide to take to the air illegally.
Tsk, angry, petulant, and now ACCUSATORY of something you
state "I am going to do!"
Are you familiar with the term "unless"?
You ARE wrong about FCC regulations. I am very much bound
by FCC regulations, both by radio but also for certain
wireline communications. You really need the entire Title
47 C.F.R. to confirm that (for your own edification).
The point is, Leonard, that you aren't going to run afoul of Part 97
regs unless you're a radio amateur. You aren't a radio amateur.
I'm quite happy to observe the regulations governing amateur radio in
this country. I've received not as much as a single warning letter from
the FCC in nearly 43 years.
Marvelous! Should we chip in get you a nice little gold
star for your report card?
Who is "we"? Do you have a Vibroplex in your pocket? I don't feel the
need for any special recognition from you. After all, you aren't involved.
I don't recall that anyone was accusing you of anything
other than a bad temper, irrational behavior, or trying
to imitate some Waffen SS offizier in here. FCC doesn't
regulate behavior.
If it did, you wouldn't be here. If you have nothing to say, you resort
to the Nazi stuff. That makes you look foolish.
You aren't entering amateur radio.
I'm "not"?!?" What do you KNOW what I'm doing? Are you
Claire Voyant in some ham radio column or something?
I can only go by your last definitive statement on the subject. There
have been reversals in the past though. What's your stand this week?
I've encountered no sane person posting here who plays less well with
others than Leonard H. Anderson.
Now, now, you are adding a mean streak to your bad temper,
petulance, and irrationality. Try playing "nice." :-)
I provided an exceptionally frank opinion based upon years of
observation. There wasn't a hint of temper, petulance or irrationality,
I've not ordered you to obtain an amateur
radio license or not to obtain an amateur radio license.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. You certainly gone on and on and on and
on about my "not having one!" Why is that?
It is because you'd have radio amateurs believe that an inexperienced
fellow who has never obtained an amateur radio license knows what is
best for amateur radio. Tsk, tsk, poor baby, toad-in-a-hole and Bob's
your uncle.
I've not told
you to comment to the FCC or not to comment to the FCC.
You've certainly gone on and on and on and on and
on about attempting ridicule of what I've written
to the FCC. :-)
I surely have. Then again I've never tried to disparage your views by
ridiculing you *to* the FCC in official comments. You have done that to
If you don't like my "smug arrogance", change your own tactics.
Now, now, you ARE telling me what to do! Hypocrite.
Can you understand the words, "if you don't like"? I've let you know
how to play nicely with others.
Len, why don't you address the IEEE Code of Ethics?
Oh, but I DID! Here is the address again:
No, you didn't. Aren't you bound by that code of ethics?
445 Hoes Lane
Box 1331
Piscatawny, NJ 08855-1331
I apologize for not giving the web address:
You are free to talk all you want with the IEEE Ethics
You're an IEEE member. I asked you. After all, I haven't seen the IEEE
violating its code of ethics.
You might even consider membership in the IEEE, but you
will have to get three IEEE members to vouch for you.
You probably won't live long enough to qualify for a
Life Member status (it is a free upgrade and doesn't
require dues payments after that).
I haven't expressed any desire to join the IEEE. I'm not an engineer.
Would you like to join the ARRL? You can write them at:
The American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
Alternatively, you can find them at
Anyone who chooses to obtain an amateur radio license may do so without
any interference from me.
How wonderfully magnanimous of Heil! :-)
I'm not being magnanimous, Len. I'm stating a fact.
You've been braying in this newsgroup for better than a decade.
"Braying?" Neighhhh, Wilbur. :-)
When you aren't braying, you are often to found acting like a horse.
Usually you act like the other end.
You have not made an attempt to obtain an amateur radio license.
Now, now, there you go again with your bad temper and
terrible insistence that ONLY amateur licensees can
talk about amateur radio!
No temper was exhibited. I made a statement of fact. You've talked
about amateur radio. That doesn't make you a radio amateur.
I had nothing to do with your failure to do so.
"Failure?!?" Tsk, tsk, never tried.
You've expressed a decades-long interest in amateur radio. You told us
that you were going to get an "Extra right out of the box". You have
posted to this newsgroup for better than ten years. You have failed to
obtain an amateur radio license. It doesn't matter if you tried once or
several times and failed or if you failed by never trying.
I've had a Commercial radio operator license since 1956.
You're in the wrong newsgroup. This one concerns amateur radio and Mark
Morgan's fetishes.
Why do you insist I have an AMATEUR license?
I've never insisted that you have to have one. In fact, I rather hope
that you never get one.
Tsk, Heil is exhibiting irrationality again.
If I'd insisted that you obtain an amateur radio license, that might be.
I didn't do so. Your statement is absurd.
You're a victim of inertia.
Must be that why my anti-gravity project failed; Something
was holding me down! Should I channel Isaac N. for a cure?
You keep using the same purloined Stephen Wright joke as if it'll get
funnier through repetition.
Well, maybe you're right. I've had an abiding interest,
indeed a GREAT interest in women since the beginning of
my teens...but, never ONCE had I any interest in BECOMING
one! How about that?
And so it is in your relationship to amateur radio.
Beep, beep,
Tisket, tasket
Life Member
Life Member
IEEE is a Professional Association with 397 thousand members
You'd think that being a PROFESSIONAL organization which grants FREE
life membership under certain conditions, it could do better than that.
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Dave Heil
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