There are lots of American made HF radios that are sold to commercial,
government and military users. Harris is probably the premiere US made
radio company behind Collins, who still may make HF airborne equipment.
You might also check Cubic, Datron, Sunair, Scientific Radio Systems,
Mackay, Loral TerraCom, and Raytheon.
Harris has been producing full DSP IF HF radios since the early 90s that
seem more advanced than the latest Icom equipment I have seen.
Ed G. wrote:
Hello, I was just wondering, is Ten-Tec the only American manufacturer
of ham radio equipment? I have not seen any others that claim to be
american made. I was hoping that there would be more than one.
Patcomm at is the only other American
maker I know of, for factory-built transceivers in the 100 watt class.
Elecraft has a 100 watt rig, as well as several QRP rigs, but they are
all offered in kit form.
SGC, of Belleview, WA, I think, also makes a nice line of transceivers,
including up to 100W units.
MFJ makes some nice little 12W PEP single banders too.