From: Paul W. Schleck on Mon, Sep 25 2006 7:28 am
Dave Heil wrote:
From: Paul W. Schleck on Fri, Sep 22 2006 4:09 pm
The Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers is a
If you have "confusion" about it, feel free to write them at:
445 Hoes Lane
Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
If your haughtiness has a problem with my PROFESSIONAL
membership, take it up with the IEEE directly. You can include
"questions" on NON-work "conduct" all you want.
So, Len, your personal morality makes a distinction between how you
treat people in professional vs. personal life.
"Personal morality..."
Tsk, the Torquemadas are in a conclave now? :-) :-)
Too funny, really...but tragic in the obvious state of
mind of a future newsgroup moderator...and a possible
course of action of future newsgroup "moderation."
Here's a plain and simple fact: Heil, unable to control
hisself, searched and searched for a weapon of anti-morse
destruction and seized the IEEE Code of Conduct...saying
he "addressed it." Not fully, so I merely listed the
IEEE mailing address for his convenience.
David Heil is perfectly free to communicate with the IEEE
and bring his CHARGES OF MISCONDUCT against me to the
attention of the Membership Committee of the IEEE, the
Ethics Committee, whatever IEEE official, other IEEE
members he wants to vent to. So are you. Go ahead.
As I've said, as the IEEE says, it is a Professional
Association. It has no direct bearing on AMATEUR RADIO
other than some of its thousands of members no doubt
do professional work on designing, manufacturing, and
selling of amateur radio equipment. The IEEE makes
available a forwarding alias for e-mail to members and
I use that free service, hence the "signature" I use.
Some have great difficulty with that "signature,"
demanding I either drop it or get an amateur radio
license and use that (as "official?"). Now that
"signature" (or "ID" or just an e-mail address) has
become a Cause Celebre' of yourself and someone who
has an obsession of villifying his newsgroup enemies?
Here's another plain and simple fact: There are dozens
of daily postings by anonymous individuals in THIS
newsgroup spewing hateful filth about others. A simple
search of Google archives will turn up "responsible"
(Ha!) "names" such as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" and "Billy
****tydrawers" yet THEY are NOT made a target of this
Inquisition into the "Morality" of their postings.
Why IS that? They do not have any identifiable
connection with amateur radio, but you seem to avoid
them in favor of direct (snide) "attacks" on certain
others such as myself. That is hypocrisy in action,
demonstratable in things like the insinuation below:
In your personal,
non-professional life, you feel that it is acceptable
and defensible:
What I do in my "personal, non-professional life" is
none of your concern. Neither you nor David Heil
can control that, modify it, or make judgements on
it leading to cessation of my rights to free speech
as a citizen of the USA and as a military veteran of
the USA. Yet, you actively seek to CONTROL it. Why?
Because you are PERSONALLY upset by my words? You
feel you are such a supreme ruler that you can
CONTROL opposing opinions or wish to delete all
postings which are not to some arbitrary standard of
protocol demanding obediance to some self-righteous
opinions held by a ruling clique?
If you wish to delve into my "personal, non-professional"
life, get together an Investigative Team. You can use
those that Hewlett-Packard did (their business may have
slowed since HP is under investigation and no doubt have
some free time). Feel free to start with my Pastor,
Ralph Midtlyng, at All-Saints Community Church three
blocks away from my house. It is principally a Lutheran
church but does not bar others about their "personal,
non-professional life." [recall that Martin Luther was
no shrinking violet on matters theological?]
Interrogate my immediate neighbors about my "personal,
non-professional life." The Topalians are right across
the street, Hurleys and Brunos on either side, the
Gonzalez family up on the corner. Consult old issues
of Ham Radio for my address; it hasn't changed since
May of '63. Try my city councilmember's office (Wendy
Gruel, real name). Or possibly the Los Angeles Police
Department, Foothill Division. Maybe you can extract
juicy little tidbits of "scandal" to use in here to
actively engage in vituperative attacks who don't fit
your mold? Since you won't find any, feel free to
MANUFACTURE some. Others do it, therefore it is okay?
Yes, I suppose there is some great (grate?) significance
about "personal, non-professional life" that the outraged
wish to use as weapons of anti-morse destruction (see
Heil's vituperation in here) against me. Try my Sex
Life (heterosexual). My wife is also my high school
sweetheart. I would suggest you NOT consult my wife on
"personal, non-professional life" for your own emotional
safety. Her name? Hundreds of our school classmates
know it. Sorry, you'll have to find that out yourself
but your Investigative Team will know the correct
government agency to find that out...and many more items
of "personal, non-professional life" data.
I've tried to help you out here on "personal, non-
professional life" items as a courtesy to your apparent
Inquisition of a single individual. You really can't
ask more than that, can you? :-)
Why do you feel that AMATEUR radio activity is to
be taken the SAME as Professional Activity? Why do
you side with the allegations of "misconduct" in
"personal, non-professional life" by someone who is
a known personal attacker of those he does not like.
Do you wish to add more spotlights to some imagined
"dispute" between a Professional Code of ETHICS, not
"morality?" Make this into a "federal case?" Why?
Personality conflict? My failure to "pop to" and pay
some kind of "respect" you feel "owed" to you? I am
NOT OBLIGATED to do that, except in a few individual's
fantasies or imaginations.
I am NOT OBLIGATED to "pay respect" to some olde-tyme
radio amateur just because they have some federal
license in amateur radio. I was IN radio communications
on HF full-time before some of these self-styled "rulers"
of the amateur waves were born, using techniques that
persist in amateur radio HF communications today. With
the exception of manual radiotelegraphy which wasn't used
a half century ago but persists in the mythical "standards"
of US amateur radio today.
I am NOT OBLIGATED to ANYONE who insists on calling every
statement I make "wrong" or others with some smug,
arrogant attitudes that they are "superior." My opinions
are my opinions, those of a free and independent US
citizen who has taken an Oath to preserve the Constitution
of the United States.
I am NOT OBLIGATED to ANYONE who cannot personally stand
opposition to self-righteous opinions of theirs. I am
NOT OBLIGATED to "stand on an outside" on any subject that
some alleged "insiders" say I do.
I am NOT OBLIGATED to any would-be moderator who wants to
both moderate and to engage in one-sided behavior in the
ByteBrothers famous phrase invoked.