Gerritsen Sentenced
From: on Mon, Sep 25 2006 3:45 pm
From: Dave Heil on Sun, Sep 24 2006 2:59 pm
From: on Sat, Sep 23 2006 7:06 pm
Dave Heil wrote
No harm will come to you if the test is eliminated.
Can you guarantee that, Len? I think not.
Did you think some no-coder would meet you outside the
school and beat you up if the code test is eliminated?
Not to worry, Jimmy, David Heil will protect you! :-)
David Heil served in the USAF! In a country AT war!
Poor Jimmy NEVER served, volunteered for military
service nor civil government.
The subject of this thread is "Gerritsen Sentenced". Gerritsen is a
former radio amateur who caused harm to many amateurs and others in his
area - jamming their transmissions, tying up repeaters, deliberately
interfering, etc. It took years to get him convicted and sentenced.
Why so long? Weren't there enough David Heils to
handle the task right away?
Obviously letting someone like Gerritsen get a license in the first
place was a mistake. The testing process did not insure that he would
follow the rules. He obviously did not care about proper behavior on
the air.
So, what are YOU doing about it?
Have you Petitioned the FCC for rough, tough Test regulations?
Have you communicated with the VEC QPC? No? Are you still
waiting for someone to "serve you" instead of the other way
One concern many of us have about continued reductions in the license
test requirements - both code and written - is that more folks like
Gerritsen will get licenses and behave as he did.
Tsk, tsk, starting in with "guilt by association?" :-)
Gerritsen got his ham license under the EXISTING rules,
If changes in the license requirements let in more like him, those of
us who are currently licensed *will* be harmed.
Irrational fear of the future, Jimmy?
What have you done about keeping the regulations the
way they were when you were young? What, no Petitions
or Kvetching the QPC?
btw, Len, Gerritsen lived over in Bell, CA, about a half-hour from your
house. He's pretty close to your age, too.
Ah, yes, you ARE doing the Guilt by Association thing!
BTW, Jimmy, Bell is farther away than what you say...unless
one has a helicopter. :-)
It's interesting that you proposed an age requirement that would ban
anyone under the age of 14 from getting an amateur radio license,
without any examples of problems caused by the licensing of young
Oh, my, you should have heard me years and years ago when I
was a bachelor...I was propositioning all over the place! :-)
Sometimes it worked! :-)
Go get laid, Jimmy. It will improve your disposition.
Yet the worst amateur radio offender in recent history is pretty close
to *your* age.
Tsk, are you proposing euthanasia or something?
"Never trust anyone over 30?"
No, not that one, you are 20 past the limit...:-)
Did you watch some old rerun of "Logan's Run" on TV?
The stars were all Brits and you love Brits...
You can "talk" all you want, Len. Nobody is saying you shouldn't.
How magnanimous of you! :-)
The problem is that you do not deal with disagreement well.
Whatever. :-)
You don't
want to discuss, you want to lecture and not have your lectures
examined, criticized, or refuted.
Now now Mother Superior, I'm not trying to take away
your job at the convent school and you can keep your
ruler for spanking the little kiddies.
You ARE going to continue to LECTURE everyone (after telling
them they are "wrong") on the Right and Proper Way of Life
in everything, including history, world affairs, aero-
space, and, especially, the Military!
Go ahead and continue with your "military personnel are
'subsidized' for their service." You've never served,
never volunteered to serve, never took the Oath...yet
you LECTURE everyone on some hilarious "why" of your
words "not being insulting" (they are definitely
insulting to veterans) and supposedly'correct' use
of your words.
Back on January 19, 2000, you wrote here that you were "going for Extra
right out of the box".
Yes. Well, I must have changed my mind. :-)
Did I make some kind of "solemn promise?" Swear to St. Hiram
on a stack of Handbooks?
Almost 8 years and you haven't taken the first step.
Tsk, tsk, I took the first step back in infancy. :-)
The Technician class license has not required a code test since
February 14, 1991. Almost 16 years and you haven't taken the first
Now, now, I TOLD you I took the first step way back
in fact before you were conceived. :-)
It's a pretty good bet that you're not going to get an amateur radio
license, Len.
Am I supposed to attend the Church of St. Hiram and get
converted? Or are you saying I've been ex-communicated? :-)
Guess I'll have to study radio theology some
how one becomes a Priest of the Order of St. Hiram and
promises lifelong devotion to the Church and always,
always fulfilling one's "promises!"
Why should anyone presume Len is "sane"?
Oh, my, Jimmy want a "sanity clause" in here?
Tsk, tsk, you'll have to wait for Christmas time... :-)
Act nice, "sanity" is making a list, checking it twice.
You have not made an attempt to obtain an amateur radio license.
Now, now, there you go again with your bad temper and
terrible insistence that ONLY amateur licensees can
talk about amateur radio!
You are mistaken, Len. No one is insisting that only licensees can talk
about it.
No? If I believed what you said I would have been a
Val Germann.
Remember to act nice, Jimmy, "sanity clause" is coming to
town in a few months.
Try not to INSULT so many military VETERANS or the military
still serviing.
And, as always to you, ByteBrothers famous phrase invoked!
["signature" omitted due to hissy fits of Paul Schleck]