Pro-2096 APCO25 scanner
In article w_DSg.3408$Kw1.677@trnddc05,
"Thanks......." wrote:
Ok, thanks for the heads up I appreciate it.
I've been using scanners for a long time, and it's getting tough to keep up
with all the new models and their functions.
I currently have a BC9000XLT,BC780XLT,BC796D,Pro-96, and everyone is
I still like my 9000 for milcoms...............
I know what you mean with trying to remember different scanners... At
home I have a 996, 3 780's 2 BC15's a BC796 and a 2096. You know how
many times I tried to enter freqs on the 2096 from the Manual mode
instead of hitting the Program button?????