Quit Feeding the Trolls (Slow Code and Others)
you mispelled douche ....
"john" wrote in message
Would everyone please quit feeding this Troll Slow Code and others.
His post about code are only to get everyone ****ed off and getting
comments. Put this douch bag in your kill file and forget him. How do
we know he is even a ham. Have you ever seen him put his call in one
single post?
Hell no. He is probably a CB'er that hates hams and couldn't pass the
5wpm to get a license. He is not the only one ruining this newsgroup.
There are some sick hate mongers constantly posting crap on here.
They are too chicken **** to face each other on the street somewhere
so they post crap back ond forth on all the radio newsgroups. This
used to be a good place to come and buy and sell gear. 73