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Old September 29th 06, 02:42 AM posted to
[email protected] N2EY@AOL.COM is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 877
Default Convinced Again

Dave Heil wrote:
From: on Tues, Sep 26 2006 7:22 pm

Doesn't matter if every newcomer sees their antics for the next eight
decades in the archives, they are right, Right, RIGHT and you are

If someone is wrong, they're wrong regardless of how much they protest
and attack the person who points out their mistake.

Go tell it to Robesin, he desperately needs to hear that.

Fascinating. Miccolis is becoming a clone of Robesin.

Who is "Robesin"?

So it is your belief that Jim is a clone of someone else? Interesting.

I'm not a clone of anyone.

Jimmy engages in some kind of weird wordplay wherein he
both manipulates word meanings and loaded "questions"
so that he can come back with "you are simply wrong"
to anyone protesting/challenging/saying-an-opposite.

Is it "Jimmy" or "Jimmie"?

It's Jim.

Len has a problem with names. If a person disagrees with Len, he cannot
call them by the name they use. He has to calls them by a diminutive,
or a made-up persona name, or their last name, or some twist on their
job title, etc.

Such behavior is considered immature by grade-schoolers, but Len
persists in it for some reason.

To further that, he feigns some kind of outrage and
demands that the challenger "prove" it by going back
to archives and extracting the challenger's charge.

I didn't notice any outrage, Len. You've accused a number of folks of
outrage. Maybe it isn't in their writing, but in your reading.

I also didn't see any demand.

Len is the one who is outraged and insulted - by anyone who disagrees
with him or proves him to be mistaken.

Never mind that several hundred have already seen
the old words in past messages, Jimmy MUST have those
quotes in here! :-)

Are you stating that Brian's claim was incorrect and that Dick didn't
write what Brian said that he wrote? You may be making progress.

I don't recall that Dick wrote what Brian claims he did. Maybe Dick
wrote what was claimed, maybe he didn't. I've never read every post in
rrap, so I could have missed it.

OTOH, it's possible that Brian is mistaken. Showing the actual posting
where Dick wrote what Brian claims would clear up the issue, but Brian
and Len would rather argue about it.

Jimmy never served in any military, never volunteered
for anything in the military or in one of his

Never claimed any of that, anyway.

But Len must beat that dead horse in every post, without explaining its

Len has never been a radio amateur, has no real involvement in it, yet
he insists on pontificating to us how amateur radio should be run.

Yet, he is a self-righteous "expert"

I've never claimed to be an expert at anything.

However, there are some areas (besides Morse Code) where my skill,
knowledge and experience are more extensive than Len's. This is
obviously a major source of outrage and insult to him, so he reacts in
a very predictable way.

who wants to demean military that are serving (or
veterans of service) with HIS "definition" of "pay,"
that of "being subsidized by the taxpayer."

As I wrote previously, I had no intention of insulting anyone with the
use of the word "subsidize". The definition I posted isn't mine - it's
Webster's. And it doesn't really apply to the case of direct government
employees anyway.

I've asked both Len and Brian why they find that word insulting or
demeaning, but they don't have an answer. Brian used the word "welfare"
- which is quite different from "subsidy".


Some farmers receive subsidies - is it demeaning or insulting for them
to do so?

Many industries receive subsidies, usually indirect, such as reduced
taxation as an incentive to build new plants in certain areas. Is it
demeaning or insulting for them to do so?

Some (not all) people who receive Social Security benefits are being
subsidized. This happens when the benefits a person collects exceed the
taxes they paid in over their working life, plus interest. Is it
demeaning or insulting for them to receive those benefits?

Where does the money paid to military members come from, Len? Is it
from corporations or from private donors? Who pays the military?

doesn't give a **** if he insults 99.99% of everyone
else, he MUST insult one who IS a veteran and who is
on his enemies list.

If you're insulted, then you're insulted. I didn't feel insulted.
I knew where the money came from. It wasn't much, but I accepted it.

No insult was intended by the use of the word.

Therefore, he exhibits the
same syndrome as that sick Robesin.

I think that falls under "false logic". Who is "Robesin"?

Proof? W0EX/SK said he wanted to destroy the ARS since he
couldn't have ham radio his way.

No proof of that claim has been offered.

When did he say that? Show us the posting where he wrote such a thing.

Do your own homework.

Har! Good old "show us the posting" MISDIRECTION. Everyone
will be busy arguing and arguing over the OLD post and
Jimmy can simply ignore the current post. :-)

As I saw it, the "current" post was the one where Brian claimed that a
dead man had written something which he did not, in fact, write. That

Exactly. It's the game I wrote about earlier.

Like Robeswine's present antics, no one said a word...

Anyone who bothers to wade through the mountains of postings and oceans
of words on rrap will see all sorts of things from all sorts of people
on all sides of various issues.

Yup. Someone recently said that service members are subsidized, which
isn't even a RRAP issue.

Whether or not someone served in the military isn't a rrap issue,
either. Nor are a whole bunch of things that are discussed here.

Now, just WHY would some dumb sonnovasnitch try to insult
about a million members of the United States military?

Do they all know about it? Were they all insulted?

I don't understand that. It must be some twisted so-and-so
who never volunteered for any military service and thinks
they are so much better than any service person...

You're a peculiar guy, Len. Do you believe that anyone who never
volunteered for military service is a "twisted so-and-so" who believes
that he is better than anyone who served? My observation of your
behavior is that you seem to believe that being a military veteran gives
you some super citizen status. I've never felt that way about my fellow
citizens. My neighbor never served. His sons, ages 47 and 30 never
served. I had a great-uncle who was a World War I vet. Neither of my
grandfathers was old enough for that war, though one tried to enlist at
sixteen. My dad served during WWII and I served in Vietnam. Neither of
us ever attributed motives to those who didn't serve.

Len attributes only bad motives to everyone who disagrees with him.

It seems to me that Len is actually very conscious of what he calls
"rank-status-privilege", and very insecure about his own. If someone
knows more about something than Len, he either feels demoted, demeaned
and insulted, or he denigrates the knowledge as worthless. Either way,
his response is easily predicted.

*Everything* is a one-up situation to Len - if he disagrees with you.
For example, see the classic "sphincters post", where Len responds to
an account of the experiences of a military radio operator. Or the long
stories about his work, his house, his scarf collection, even his
long-time possession of one of the smallest Johnsons ever made.

None of those things have anything to do with amateur radio policy, but
Len insists on lecturing us about them. I think he does that because
his amateur radio experience is practically nil.

As Heil says, "Bully for you."

The more you post, the deeper into a corner you get.

It's the Robeswine...

Who is "Robeswine"?

...syndrome in Jimmy's posts again...going
deeper and deeper and deeper until, like falling into a
Black Hole, they can never get out.

You're mixing your singulars and plurals, Len. Aren't you supposed to
be some sort of PROFESSIONAL writer?

I'd post a definition of professional, but Len would probably be


I stopped by the Armed Forces Career office on the 3rd floor
of the Media City Mall in Burbank, CA, today. It's next to
the 3rd floor entrance to Sears at the south end of the Mall.
Nice place. Very attractive, really. Not busy today. Had
a nice chat with an Army E-5 there.

How nice. You've written a regular travelogue.

He got some information
(on you-know-who)...

Lord Voldemort?

It came to him in a messenger envelope or through e-mail, or did you
provide it from your store of absolutely unbiased material?

...and we traded a few items of personal info.

That's nice, Len. You've bonded.

He got a kick out of my miniature DD-214 photocopy.

...or at least he said he did.

[no background check of me was necessary, Paul Schleck]

You might note that Robesin's QRZ bio has been altered. He
doesn't mention his "USMC career" at all now! Wonder why?

At least Len isn't telling an alleged "USMC feldwebel" to "shut the
hell up"

Do you think something sinister might be afoot?

I recall Len making the claim that he could check on anyone's military
service record through a database. Not all the details, of course, but
enough to find out if someone had been in the military or not, and what

At least that's what I recall.

Len has also claimed that another veteran is an "imposter", because
that veteran will not provide "proof" of his claimed service.

Seems to me that if the database exists, it would be a simple matter to
verify whether someone was an imposter or not. If the person wasn't in
the database, Len could simply say "You're not in the database!"

["signature" omitted here due to hissy fits of the
'moderator team' or whatever]

Len doesn't like moderated groups unless he gets to be the moderator.

He says rrap should be shut down, but he won't lead the way...

Be proud of your IEEE association, Len. Live up to its Code of Ethics.

I wonder what other IEEE members would think of Len's behavior in rrap.
Particularly the part where he repeatedly slams another organization
and accuses them of fraud, without any evidence.

You might even be able to impress a few radio hams.

A very few

Jim, N2EY