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Old September 29th 06, 08:01 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
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Default Convinced Again

From: Dave Heil on Thurs, Sep 28 2006 8:31 am

From: on Wed, Sep 27 2006 5:58 am
on Tues, Sep 26 2006 7:22 pm

I'm going to hold to what I wrote. Every military veteran I
know will agree with me. If some never-serving sonnovawhich
wants to argue that "subsidy" thing they can shove it.

I love it when you talk tough, Len.

That turn you on, does it?

You like "bears" too? (hairy guys) :-)

The money I received as base pay
for my entire four years in the military totaled about 11.5 thousand
dollars. I got even for that in the end.

Where? " the end?!?" Tsk, tsk...

Try to remember that morsemanship is synonymous with
homophobia in here...

Paul Schleck and the Waffen SS guy can go do ALL the "personal,
non-professional life" background checks on me they want.

Who is the "Waffen SS guy"?

He's a smug, arrogant Colonel Klink wannabe, marches
around in here barking orders and Strict Obedience to
things as they are now and will always be (as he thinks
they should).

Google provides--in spades.


I've gotten no garden tools or farming implements from
Google, only lots of data...the electronic kind.

But, you are the guy who can "download firmware" through
those Internet wires connecting your computer. shrug
If you can get "firmware" through them, then you can
get bigger things like farm tools. Amazing.

You keep selling yourself short.

No, I'm of average male height. Thanks for asking, though.

... You have taken it upon yourself to
hint that others defrauded their employers, were incompetent in what
they did, never did what they've said they did or that you know better
how they should have accomplished their jobs.

I did? You have the EXACT WORDS to that effect? Or do
you just have a guilty conscience?

Tsk, I can't "fault" Miccolis on what he does for a
living...he doesn't say. But he is "proud" of that.
If he no say, he no do...the only plausible

Did I "fault" this Robeson guy for his claimed "18-year
USMC career?" You are damn RIGHT I did...and will keep
on doing it until the sunnuvawhich comes up with some
PROOF other than a bunch of bragging ****. That twit
spent less than a half year as a purchasing agent in a
set-top box manufacturer and then claimed "he knew all
about electronic engineering!" Buncha bull**** then and
still a buncha bull**** to this day.

[did that 'tuff tawk' turn you on? :-)]

Other than yourself, who ELSE did I "fault?"

Show EXACT WORDS in the spirit of Miccolis' constant
demands in here. EXACT.

Did I "fault" Jeffrey Hermann? Only in that this
junior college instructor titles himself as a
"mathematics lecturer." :-) He claimed (twice)
that the ARRL Amateur's Handbook was on "best-
seller" lists. The ABA (American Booksellers
Association) has NO record of that. Jeffie-poo is a
confirmed morseman and pro-code-test just like you
and Miccolis. As the usual pro-coder's reaction,
he got upset at any negativism about morsemanship.

Did I personally "fault" Hans Brakob? No, we DID
argue on different sides of the SUBJECT. Hans isn't
reticent on what he does and even supplied the name
and address of his employer. We have successfully
argued SUBJECTS in threads.

Did I personally "fault" Larry Kroll? Just once for
his FCC 98-143 statistics report where he got me
confused with a licensed radio amateur who had the
same name (and middle initial) as I. Larry admitted
the error and apologized, I accepted that.

Did I personally "fault" Michael Deignan? YES.
Deignan had a bunch of PHONY "club calls" in Hawaii
plus an "FCC licensee mailing address here. He
tricked Jeffie into supplying the Hawaiian post box
address. The FCC cancelled most (if not all) of his
FAKE "club calls" and made him use his (real) Rhode
Island mailing address. Deignan split from the
newsgroup and wasn't heard but once since then. He
was also a pro-code-test type.

Did I personally "fault" the 'Katapult King' (Brian
Kelly)? YES. Kelly claimed over a dozen patents of
HIS in this newsgroup. Turns out that Kelly had just
ONE patent and is co-inventor, not sole inventor on
that patent. All the others were complimentary foreign
patents. My single patent would have had more foreign
filings than his but I never claimed those. That and
many more items Kelly exaggerated or was WRONG about
in here. Kelly has been absent for months here. Kelly
was (perhaps still is) a pro-code-test advocate and
also sensative to any negativism about morsemanship.

Have I faulted Ed Hare personally? NO. Ed WORKS for
the ARRL and I have very little respect for the ARRL
or its claims to "represent" anyone but their
membership to the US government. Ed is a pro-code-
test advocate, probably has to be to keep his job at
the ARRL. Ed is against BPL. I am against BPL. We
have both argued against BPL in other venues besides
here and to the FCC.

I can name a whole bunch of people who were in here
who, like yourself, were only looking to demean those
who didn't agree with their opinions. You conveniently
blur the distinction between subject and personality
in order to continue demeaning someone, anyone who
doesn't agree with you.

That's strange, don't you think?

Your actions ARE strange, but not unusual for a pro-
code-test advocate. Those seem to be affected by the
same "blurring" of distinction between subject and
personality of a communicator when that communicator
doesn't agree with them.

From Jimmie Miccolis we don't have enough hints that he DOES
have a "personal, non-professional life" to DO a full back-
ground check.

Why, has he violated the IEEE Code of Ethics?

James Miccolis is NOT a member of the IEEE. Ergo, he cannot
be EITHER adhering to or "violating" any Professional Code
of Ethics of the IEEE.

He is proud of doing nothing at work.

Why did you write the obvious untruth?

NOT an "untruth." Miccolis won't say what he does. Miccolis
does say he was "proud" of what he did. Ergo, he is proud
of doing nothing.

Brakob, Phil Kane, Bill Sohl, myself have all said what we
did and what we do for a living. So have others.

You recounted portions of your work so many times that I'm quite certain
that some of us would be able to recite it from memory.

YOU are IN ERROR. I've not described even half of what I've
done in electronics or radio engineering. That work spans
over four decades of direct engineering responsibility.

Maybe you can clarify something for me.

That's impossible. Your "clarity" is not real clarity but
one of simply trying to deman, denigrate anyone who doesn't
agree with your opinions on subjects.

... After all, there is certainly precedent for Jim
to believe that you'd simply use the information to attempt belittlement
of his work or home life.

Again, you are IMPLYING things of some future which does
not exist. Your words are couched, padded, made up with
little doilies perhaps, just to demean and denigrate
someone who doesn't agree with you. You do this
constantly. It is an apparent "bully syndrome" you have.

I've noticed that others are told they are wrong when they are, in fact,

What I've seen in THIS newsgroup is that pro-code-test
advocates state THEIR opinions as "fact." When someone
disagrees with those OPINIONS, the pro-coder calls them
"Wrong." Miccolis is a classic user of that "technique."

I've also noticed that you seem to set yourself up as an expert
in areas where you have little or no experience--amateur radio, State
Department communications, U.S. Navy communications, U.S. Coast Guard

I've never said I was an "expert" in any of those areas
and you damn well know it. Your wording is again in the
Heilian denigration and demeaning of anyone who disagrees
with Heil. Typical Heil activity in here, trying to damn
anyone disagreeing with you by stating they "have no

I HAVE had experience, both in the military and much more
as a civilian in communications of many kinds: USA, USN,
USAF, USCG, the government of the United States in various
agencies, local governments in the state of California. Of
course I realize that anyone with some experience beyond
amateur radio would seem like "rocket science" to those
having information input only from the world of amateur
radio. The ignorant can go educate themselves instead of
being spoon-fed information by the League (who claims to
know what is best for amateur radio).

Drifting off into your military experiences, the war in Iraq, your
PROFESSIONAL radio experiences--those things aren't amateur radio
subject, but you've never let that stand in your way.

YOU have, in this post, mentioned the State Department,
your military experience, or your subsidized state.
That hypocrisy is justified by your exhaulted amateur
extra status? Must be so. You seem to be "permitted"
yet others are not. Tsk, tsk.

I've mentioned "my" military radio experience because it
involved HF, long-distance communications, and uses
techniques which are still used by radio amateurs today
("boatanchor" tube radios and vacuum tube finals to
reach maximum legal amateur transmitter output
powers). "My" military radio experience mentioned
being over a half century ago at a big Army station...
and comparing that to the "boatanchor" afficionado's
experience of today. Almost the SAME. A parallel.

Jimmie Miccolis NEVER served in any military doing
"radio." He never volunteered to do so, not even in
the National Guard or the government (as a civilian).
Are real veterans supposed to "honor" such a person
who looks down on us and demeans our service?

Plain and simple fact: It is out of line, INSULTING to
anyone who is or has been in the United States military.

I don't feel insulted.

Naturally. You are a morseman and an amateur extra.
Those gods of radio are above such things...

Len Anderson has never apologized for any of his mistakes or deliberate
untruths in this venue. QED.

I am not obligated to "apologize" for someone else's
FALSE charge of either "untruth" or "falsehood."

I will and have acknowledged ACTUAL errors I have made.
Those have been few.

OPINIONS that are different from yours are NOT "errors."

Who is "robeswine"?

"If you don't know that information, all of your
latest diatribe is rather pointless."

["signature" omitted due to not receiving a "subsidy" for
posting in those who object to what I wrote, the
ByteBrothers' famous phrase is invoked]

I'm unfamiliar with it, Len. What is it?

You "unfamiliar with it?" Tsk, tsk. You can find hints of it
on a search through the Internet. Educate yourself. Find out
that ByteBrothers was created as the antithesis to the smug,
arrogant, anal-retentive control-freaks who consider themselves
"the establishment" but who just insist on strict, unyielding
adherence to their self-righteous ways of doing everything.

As always to you, ByteBrothers famous phrase invoked.