Why don't KB9RQZ, K4YZ, AB8MQ, N0VFP, and N9OGL ever want to talk about radio, only gay stuff?
"N9OGL" wrote in
Slow Code wrote:
Because of you, People that come by the radio groups think we're all a
bunch of potty mouth retards.
Thanks a lot assholes.
I've never talked about gay stuff.....Oh, you mean that stupid ****
who's pretending to be me....I guess not be on here in a while people
miss me so much that I have to come back....
BTW You ARE all ****ing Scumbags!!! listen to my radio program and you
know how I REALLY feel about you ****ing retards!!!!!
Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 LSB
Fortunately today, I couldn't hear your monologue very well, But I noticed
you stole some of your grandmothers 78's and are playing them now. ROFL
I'll give you one thing, you got variety. It's sounds ****ty, but it's