Dynamotor normal run temperature.
The radio room in a B-17 must have been buzzing with dynamotors...
Yup, you are right there, but I imagine that with those four Wrights
hammering and shaking out there, with the wind screaming by (and through)
the compartment, the dynamotor noise was difficult to detect!
The B-17's liason BC-375 transmitter had a real whine from it's 1000
volt dynamotor too. Quite a nostalgic synchronized yooping with the
transmitter's keying when running it full tilt. In the middle 1940's, just
after WWII, Keith Martin, W7KGV ran one in his dad's garage. It took about
two, 24 hour days to charge up the old auto batterys collected to run that
dynamotor for a half hours work on 40 meters. Awsome! Those four VT-4Cs were
bright enough to read your copy and fill in the log.
But I digress.......
Old Chief Lynn, W7LTQ