From: Paul W. Schleck on Sat, Sep 30 2006 7:23 am
By the bye, how are you coming with my Background Check?
You know, the one where you MUST know my "personal,
non-professional life"? No neighbor has reported any
"investigator" flashing their shield and wanting to
speak about me. The FBI has done that before. Twice.
I passed muster enough for a security clearance, Paul.
Twice. Are the newsgroup standards now HIGHER than a
national security clearance? Must be...!
And you misunderstand, Len. No deep background check is necessary.
Oh? Yourself and Heil seemed to think it was imperative.
After all, you both have amateur extra class licenses and
are therefore "boss" aren't you? [one should always do
what the "bosses" say or lose paychecks or something]
Your very public (mis)conduct here is more than enough basis for your
peers to judge.
"Peers?" :-)
I have only a Commercial radio operator license, not an
amateur radio one. I've been involved and experienced in
radio communications since 1953. There are about three
quarter million US amateur radio licenses granted but
there are about 300 million US citizens. I am in the
latter group. How can you say "my peers?"
Have you written the IEEE yet to complain about my
conduct in here? No? Why not? You are free to do so.
Do you think it will matter to the IEEE? If so, please
explain in 30,000 words or more WHY. (that's a 'short
novel' length) Be sure and tell the pro-coders about
your findings. The Inquisition can't get along without
You and I know very well that only IEEE members having standing to
submit ethical complaints to the IEEE against a member, according to
IEEE policy. I'm sure that you would take pains to remind us of that if
anyone else tried.
"You are sure?" Oh, yes, you know what someone "*really*" said.
Forgive me. I doubted your telesensory powers. I am only
mortal and therefore with Original Sin. I have no prescient
powers, only normal observation and deduction to see the
obvious getting-the-stake-together-for-burning-the-heretics
activities on-going.
Now, it is perfectly obvious that Heil, and your pickup on that
about the "IEEE Code of Ethics" was a beginning ploy to engage
in verbal "chastisement" of myself. :-) Both of you wanted
something, however slight, in order to imply some near-felonious
misconduct on me...for using the IEEE free e-mail alias
forwarding service as my ID on Google. No telesensory powers
needed there. Just observation and obvious deduction...on
something that is just an Internet address re-direction. The
ARRL provides this service to its members. Should I counter
by providing the ARRL much-publicized "Amateur Code" in the
same manner?
I'm just asking some questions here, Paul, trying to get
clarification on what is permissible under the to-be
"moderation" to happen. The to-be rules seem to be fleeting,
changing direction, having individuals re-defined as to
"(mis)conduct". It is difficult to keep up. Obvious filth
and perversion is being posted in here daily by others,
yet you go on and on about a Professional Association in an
AMATEUR radio newsgroup. Confusing.
With most bestest regards,