DRESSLER ARA-HDX-100 $350 shipped
Really need to sell this guys so here is the "deal" Universal sells
them for $550
My PRICE IS $350 shipped...................
ARA HDX 100 Active Receiving Antenna
40 kHz -100 MHz High Dynamic Range Model for urban locations. For
Base and Mobile, Land and Maritime (Useable through the FM broadcast
VLF and HF Shortwave listening
Scanners, Monitoring
Commercial Communications
ARA HDX 100 Technical Specifications:
Type: Omni-directional whip
Polarization: Vertical (may be mounted horizontally)
Whip material: Fiberglass
Frequency: 40 kHz - 100 MHz
Gain: 7.5 - 9.5 dB
3rd order IP3: +55 dBm
Noise Figure 4 - 6 dB
DC Power Supply: 12.5V @ 200 ma (included)
The HDX models are designed to withstand a higher level of ambient
signal level and are best suite for urban locations with high ambient
RF levels or any other site in close proximity to high power broadcast
or other communication transmission services.
Coax/Connectors: 40' RG - 58U, Type N(F)/BNC (M) with PL-259 adapter
The coax is connectorized at antenna base The ARA antennas are small,
light and very easy to install. Even indoors, they provide excellent
performance across their entire band ranges without any tuning. The ARA
HDX-100 compares favorably with long wire antennas in terms of signal
strength. In addition, the ARA products are "Electrically Short" and
offer the advantage of receiving a lower level of disturbances due to
electrostatic discharge and other man made (QRM) noise. The ARA low
profile also offers wind resistance to 100 MPH, when mounted on a
suitable structure.
All standard ARA models provide about 7-15 dB of gain (depending on
the model) and low noise figures which can enhance the sensitivity of
most shortwave receivers. LMR-240 (Ultra-Flex) low loss cable is now
included as "standard" with all ARA UHF products. The low loss
cable typically increases signal sensitivity by about 6 dB* as compared
to using standard RG-58/U cable.