It's amazing what people will say to try to justify dumbing down Amateur Radio.
Nada Tapu wrote in
On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 21:07:15 -0500, "wa0kbz"
Don't know if I 100% agree with your code speeds but I do thing the NO
Code should be for 1 year and none renewable.
I had to take my license in front of the FCC and not so VE who may or
may not help you out to get a license.
As I am a big VHFer I don't know how these NO Code guys are going to
understand beacons. They are all code and most at 10 ~ 20 wpm. I guess
the next thing will be, they will want all beacons either digital or
voice. YUK! Not up in the GHZ range yet but maybe some day.
73, Bill, WA0KBZ
Right on, Bill! Thanks for your thoughts.
It's funny, and most telling. The no-code hams have everything over 30
MHz, but it's the code hams that are the one's moving ham radio forward
and doing anything technical wise. I guess the no-coders are still trying
to figure things out.