Attic Antennas and Foil Backed Barriers
Well Frank, you are in a bind if the in-the-attic antenna is all you
can put up, especially for HF... The foil is an impenetrable barrier to
RF trying to launch upwards...
How about loading the gutters around the house?
How about a flag pole vertical? Or even a pair for switchable end-fire
/ broad-side...
For a bit of money one of the pneumatic poles would make a great flag
pole.. Down for 20 during the day and up for 40 at night...
How about a screwdriver tunable whip mounted somewhere on the center of
the roof (if outside antennas are verboten you can call it a lightning
rod), with the foil underneath and a few radials this should play...
Or as an angled "flag pole' off an upper window sill...
Maybe the wife would like a pulley clothes line for drying clothes -
from the second story window? If it just happens to be a quarter wave
on 40 meters the clothes should dry that much better...
(ya, ya, ya, I know you wet nosed kids don't have a clue what a pulley
clothes line is - so expand your education)
How about a wire up the chimney? To a lightning rod?
As a last resort a wire can be run around the inside of the roofing
insulation with a short screw into each sheet of foil board so it is
all bonded... Then a vertical wire from the first floor, or the
basement and load this as a vertical with a big top hat... You will
need a good set of ground radials to work it against...
gl denny / k8do