SP-600 from hell:need knobs, handles
"Bill Jeffrey" wrote in message
Steve wrote:
I'm too chicken to hose down the SP-600. I've dealt with
too many radios that had open IF transformers due to corrosion.
I don't want to wash the mouse **** into those IF cans!
I'll do it the hard way. No pain no gain!
Sounds like a candiate for the dishwasher treatment. Believe it or not,
several of our members report running really cruddy radios through the
dishwasher with good results. You might do a Google Groups search to find
the relevant details re sealing up transformers, etc.
It may not fit in a dishwasher. I spray em down with Simple Green and let
sit for 1/2hr then rinse. Never had a problem. The military does it, did you
know that?