Homebrew SteppIR Moxon
I came up with an idea that, to me at least, seemed interesting.
Imagine a Moxon design, a sort of "double D" "[]" arrangement. Imagine
this arrangement encased in a PVC square or rectangle.
Now, picture standard copperwire making up the elements and attached to
each distal end is fishing line leading across the [] to the other side.
This is true for both elements.
Now, imagine a take up spool and motor such that the length of each
element can be adjusted in SteppIR-like fashion. With the proper
electronics, it seems you have a Moxon with adjustable resonance...a
sort of homebrew SteppIR. I would imagine that the useable bandwidth
would not be as great and at the appropriate length, the Moxon becomes a
two element Yagi.
Any comments? From the "big guns"? "Duff-Man"? Anyone?