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Old December 27th 03, 02:52 AM
Posts: n/a

On 27 Dec 2003 00:38:47 GMT, (Michael Black)

Nitespark ) writes:
I need a couple of small pieces (1-1/2" X 2-3/4") of transparent plastic
tinted preferably red but other colors may be acceptable.

These are for a display window on an electronic readout.

If anyone has a small sheet of plastic stock like that or can suggest a
retail outlet that may offer it, I would appreciate it.


Go to a place that sells plexiglass, and buy a small piece of thin
red plexiglass. I think another color, like smoke/gray may also
work. You may find they already have a box of scrap pieces, that
they'll sell to you real cheap, or maybe even free. Since you
need only a small piece, you have more luxury than someone who needs
a big piece.

Or, assuming you just want it for contrast and dust rather than
because you expect a lot of pressure or force on it, you can go
to a stationary store and buy a red plastic report cover. Cut out
the pieces you need, and mount it behind your front panel. The cover
should cost under a dollar. Again, you might also consider smoke/gray

Michael VE2BVW

For red stuff, you could also try an auto parts store. Look
for the material used to temporarily repair broken taillight lenses.
You can also layer it ig you need greater density.