It was a mistake for the ITU to eliminate the CW requirement.
On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 07:37:52 -0500, john wrote:
Jerry, I am a 20 wpm extra and I used to agree with some of the things
Slow Code was saying BUT, after all the BS he has created on the
newsgroups I am starting to change my opinion. His constant bullcrap
on here makes me sick. Its ok to state your opinion and move on but he
has a real problem. I mean posting every day in for
Christ sake. For someone so worried about people doing the right thing
he is the worst example.
Well, at least I educated you about top posting, and you are almost
doing things the correct way now. I suppose that I should begin
teaching you and others about TRIMMING your followups in order to make
your posts easier to read. It's all there in the news.answers FAQs
too, but lots of people haven't read the material.
The full content of all previous posts doesn't need to be quoted,
because people have threaded newsreaders and can go back to read
earlier posts without your help. Also, you'll save on that precious
downloading time of which some of you spoke. People like Len Anderson
and Dave Heil really need to learn how to TRIM their followups if they
want anyone to read them.
I'll be checking back from time to time to see how you are doing. It
looks to me like you're progressing well. There's definitely hope for
you, so keep your chin up.