On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 00:19:46 +0000 (UTC), Mike Andrews wrote in :
On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 20:09:38 -0400, Chuck Harris wrote in :
The nylon chain in my H model has failed. Can someone put me on to a
source of the metal chain used in older models. 73. WC4G
Most probably http://www.smallparts.com
They have nylon and steel chain, they might have what you need.
I found a supplier for the exact chain; it's not smallparts.com, and the
catalog's at work. I'll follow up tomorrow from there.
It's carried by Stock Drive Products (
www.sdp-si.com) as "miniature
roller chains - .1475 pitch", in their handbook 790-2: "inch drive
components". It comes in various lengths, from 50 through 240 links in
steps of 10 links. There's also a connecting link and a bushing link.
Each chain comes with one connecting link.
It's _very_ pricey, but for the R-1051, nothing but .1475" pitch will
do, and the nylon stuff just doesn't stand up to the strain.
E-mail is
, phone is 516-328-3300, and fax is
Good luck & 73, de
Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin