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Old October 12th 06, 02:56 AM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,554
Default ATTN: Mrs x: You Let Him Lie Like This In Public?

K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

More forging of attributes, I see.


Just documenting the obvious

Just forging attributes.

Nothing's changed with you. You still always go after the women folk
who have nothing to do with your inability to get along with others.

I'm not "going after" anyone, Brain.

Sure you are. You go after other people's wives and kids. You have a
history of it.

Nope. No one's been "gone after".

You've gone after my wife. You've gone after my kids before. To say
you haven't is a lie.

I have, however, tried to hold a mirror up to you to make you
realize that you can't make the kinds of sneers and allegations that
you do out odf one side of that "mouth" of yours without creating a
whole passle of problems with the other side.

Then do so without involving my wife or my kids. You're a creep.

Obviously you don't care.

I obviously don't care for your tactics involving peoples families in
your problems.

I can only imagine what you're like in person.

I don't think you can imagine that.

Thus your thread-jacking and calling out in the Subject line other
people's wives. To deny it makes you the lying sack of excrement that
you actually are.

Oh, no, Brain....don't leave yourself out of that. You're right
in there with the best of them, greaseball.

There is no "best of them," creep.

Just trying to get you to appreciate the humiliation your lying and
deceit bring on your family name.

And there is no humiliation in the family name, Robeson?


You are nuts.


Nothing's changed with you. You're still forging the attributes. Do
you think that by forging attributes that people will like you? Do you
think people will trust you?

So...I make fun of Morkie

Why? Why do you bother?

Why not?


You do it to me and others yet think it's improper for others to

It's your life.

Do you puff up your chest and lick that "devil-dog" tatoo on your

No tatoo's here, Brain...Anywhere.


and I am supposed to worry about someone
"liking" me or "trusting" me in this forum...?!?!

Is my family in this forum? Is your family in this forum?

My wife has looked over my shou;der before, so yes, she's "here"
on occassion.

She's probably long gone.

She initially chided me for 'wasting your time with those idiots"
until I showed her how two feced, deceitful and dishonest you and your
Feeble Five bretheren are.

And she believed you?

You're a biggger idiot than I gave you credit for, Brain.

"Bigger" has only two g's, you idiot.

OK...So I finally made a typo this WEEK.

No, you've made tons of typo's this week. This typo was made as your
were calling someone stupid. If you're going to call someone stupid,
take extra care that in the process you don't end up looking like an

Why aren't you chiding Morkie for his THOUSANDS of typos in the
last couple of DAYS...?!?!

Why? He's not calling me stupid when he makes a typo, is he?

The people I am concerned about "liking" me or "trusting" me have
nothing to do with this forum and probably never would.

Hopefully they'll never do a google search on your "family name."

And if they did, they'd find me standing up to liars and punks
like you and "the boys".

So what?

And if they did, a brief overview of your demonstrated stupidity
would lay-to-rest any concerns I would have about them being swayed by
any criticisms I might "suffer" from YOU!

A lengthier overview of your inability to play well with others, your
fixation on the male genitalia and all things of a homosexual nature,
propensity to drop hints and unsubstantiated claims of your imagined
military service in the US Marine Corps, and outright lies that you
tell about other people might change their minds about the swell guy
image you feign.

Uhhhhhh...Brain...there you go LYING again and thereby PROVING all
of the things I have ever claimed about you!

WHY do you do it...?!?!

Nope. One day some university is going to get a couple hundred
thousand bucks to study your profile on RRAP. Probably just after you
hit the news big time.

He puts forth word images of men eating his own excrement from another
man's genitals, but says he is, somehow, not gay.

Here's the quote for you, greaseball, since you seem to have the
same tendency to avoid the truth but keep getting caught up in Google

Take your best shot! You'll probably just confirm that your sickness
is real.

Just like Lennie the Loser, you try to infer some knowledge of
"sicknesses" without an education in healthcare.

It fails.

You're the one who claims that no degree is required to be a nurse.
Wouldn't it also possible that no degree is required to be a doctor?
At least in Tennessee?

Uhhhhhh....Brain....You need to learn the difference between the
different levels of Nurisng licensure before you stick open that
sewerpit of a mouth of yours and PROVE that you're an idiot.

And Brain...No degree is required to achie the title of Nurse in
Ohio, either...

OK, Mark.

Investigate and learn, greaseball.


Regardless of educations in healthcare, your nuts.


Google archives prove otherwise.


From: "K4YZ"
Subject: The Truth That Morkie Won't Quote Accurately
Date: 7 Sep 2006 11:22:56 -0700
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an old friend continues to refuse to get back on his meds:
N9OGL still hasn't got a clue:
Slow Code wrote:
Thanks. You need to contact Mark to see what speed he wants.


You seem to misunderstand that Omega One Radio is a BROADCAST station,
not an amateur station.

No..."Omega One Radio" is a pirate station. And even if it were
within Part 15 limits, it STILL would not be a "broadcast station".

slwo code understands even less than steve

Morkie, I will conceed that you know two things that I will never
know...What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's
genitals, and the going welfare rates in Michigan.


Steve, K4YZ

Robesin's best shot still contains Robesin's excrement on another man's


Uhhhhhhhhh. Yeh. It's right there where you are saying "my

Uh huh.

Uh huh.

And there YOU are trying to take two words out of context and
trying to focus your entire 'argument' around them.

NOT out of context. You provided the ENTIRE quote.

Just like your efforts to belittle the relationship between MARS
and Amateur Radio.

No belittlement. I've proudly served Air Forece and Army MARS. You're
simply wrong in your assertions.

The ONLY people in this entire forum that showed you any sympathy
for that lame effort were within your Feeble Five circle...

You are largely ignored by the pro-code test contingent. They despise
you, but you aren't likely to hear that because you are a bully. They
fear you.

I guess YOU suffer from some of the same comprehension deficits
that your buddie Morkie suffers from, Brain.

Maybe if you don't make such sick claims, and then don't quote yourself
making those same sick claims, there wouldn't be any discussion about

Maybe if we didn't have deviates and thier admirers like Morkie
and you in this forum, it wouldn't be an issuse, either.

Why do you say such sick ****?


In other words, clean up your act.

Take your own advice, greaseball.

You take my advice, creep.

try using BOTH sides of your face when you talk.

That's never been a problem.

What part of that can't you understand?

You're the one with the comprehension deficits, MorkiePal. Not

What you posted is plain for anyone to see.

Do you think Paul Schlek is going to lett you play "Excrement Commando"
in RRAP?

There's only ONE "t" in "let", Brain!

Or is typopatrol your exclusive domain today?

Lame diversion. Answer the question.

Is Paul going to let you play "Excrement Commando" in RRAP?

I can recommend some tutors in your area to help you....

Yuck. What diseased mind even thinks up stuff like that?

Mork and you. Fix your English deficits, greaseball.

Sorry Robesin, it doesn't work that way.

Now here you switch up and start addressing someone named

Having trouble staying focused today, Brain?

More diversion. I have full visibility on the creep of rrap.

You quote yourself then claim
that "Mork and you" thought it up. Try taking a little responsibility
for yourself once in a while. Just once. The hardest part is taking
that first step, but you're the only one that can do it. Best of Luck.

I take full responsiblity for what I say, greaseball.

Nope. You only take responsibility for what you MEANT to say,
not what you actually said.

Ditto your MARS quote.

But you can't ever confess making a mistake, so you are suck in the
Robesin Conundrum of defending the indefensible.

What I DON'T take responsiblity is for misquotes and out-of-context

No misquotes, no out of context snippets. YOU provided the full-text
quote of your sickness.

Just say you made a mistake, unless you really do have your excrement
on another man's genitals.

Hurry up now...Mrs Brain has dinner ready, greaseball.

Steve, K4YZ

What has my wife got to do with your problem, creep?