ifos for FD4 or other antenna
Danny Richardson wrote:
On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 15:25:59 -0700, 62736748382 wrote:
pierard laurent wrote:
hello all,
i research dimension, and infos, for construction antenna LW multibandes 1.8
too 50 MHZ includes WARC bands.
balun its ??? 4/1 8/1 ???
tks a lot
on3vhf laurent
Fritzel FD4 is a Windom antenna, not a broadband terminated dipole.
it use 6:1 balun. Nevertherless its just a plain old coaxial fed windom.
Why do people continue to call an off-center-fed-dippole a Windom?
Danny, K6MHE
OCF, i think is the new term for something old. Nothing new in radio,
it just goes around in a circle and comes back with a new name.
Watch out for the G5RV it will come back as the tuner intergrated dipole
TID, since so many will forget what a G5RV is the TID will be a new
miracle antenna. I could be wrong here. They already selling antennas
with resistors in them, so who knows whats next.
I wonder when someone will release the light globe antenna for
restricted space. After all we know we can work DX with a dummy load.
I thought the mushroom principle was dead in ham radio, but some still
seem to believe that keeping you in the dark and feeding your BS is good
marketing practice.