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Old January 1st 04, 03:42 PM
Le Grande Raoul
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In article , Paul Jordan

I know this will bring a lot of flak but, I'll explain why I want to do

I'm looking for a way to open up my 706 to 11 meters (a.k.a. Citizens Band)
because the local snow plowers in the area use that band and I work for
them. I've got my 706's mounted in my trucks and I'd rather not mount a CB
radio and another antenna in the trucks.

Drop me an e-mail if you can and let me know if you've ever done this mod.

If my scanner would cover this band, that would be fine but, my mobile
scanners don't cover CB..

Any of the 'extended coverage' mods would work. Check out

Now, it sounds like receiving only is fine for you. Go ahead and do
it. The 706 has a general coverage receiver. Just find out the
frequencies of the channels you want to hear and program 'em in. You
have plenty of memories to work with.
