In article , Gary
anyone here tried a homebrew wattmeter using an AD8307 log amp?? need
to chat w/ you...
Built one using an 8307, A/D, and Stamp II. As the other poster
mentioned, depending on what you want to do with it, calibration can be
an issue, for both frequency and amplitude. "Dead bug" style
construction works well with this part, providing a solid ground plane.
Oh, and look on eBay for HP 436 and 437 wattmeters. That part is
cheap. The expensive part is the probe -- 8481, 8482. But even
without the probe, the 436 and 437 have reference sources that put out
1mW into 50 ohms at 50 MHz with better than 1% accuracy.
omit the usual to e-mail me.