As opposed to actually digging trenches or even slits in the ground for
radials. I chose to lay them on top of the ground and held them in place
with 1 1/2" fence staples. Then I easily covered them with soil from a few
wheelbarrow loads. I chose to do this in the dead of winter ( no snow in
Mississippi) while the grass was brown and very short. Next summer the grass
grew and covered the entire "radial field". I used 72 radials total for my
Hustler 5-BTV.
Photos here
"Paladin" wrote in message
Hello Antenna-Lovers,
I have a "few" antennas on my small lot. I have NOT yet tried
a vertical. I know the need for a GREAT radial system is very
important for success. Does anyone out there know of a device to lay
and set these "wires";off a roll maybe, into the ground ??? Then all
you would have to do is CUT them to the length and attach them. Maybe
a thin wheel 6 inches or so with a grove on the outter edge...........
I don't know. HAS anyone seen anything like this ?? Would it work ?