"dxAce" wrote
Full Manufacturer Specifications He
Personally, I have no interest in a 'radio' that requires a computer to
Drake R7, R8, R8A and R8B
The Top 10 Reasons not to buy a FlexRadio SDR-1000
10. You have a knob, button and switch fetish.
9. The excitement of owning a radio that constantly gets better might cause
you to have a heart attack.
8. You don't need a radio that can double as a narrow band spectrum
analyzer with the best performance figures ever seen in this price class.
7. You don't need the kind of continuously variable, ring free, brick wall
filters, and noise reduction available with digital signal processing.
6. You have no desire for a needlepoint accurate near real time spectrum
display, that easily displays the weakest of signals among the strong.
5. You prefer a radio that requires costly accessories such as roofing
filters and preselectors, rather than buying a radio that is complete and
reaches its design specification at no extra cost.
4. You don't want a radio with the best sounding receiver and transmitter
available at any price.
3. You don't need the most responsive support network available anywhere.
2. You don't want to turn all your other radios into boat anchors.
And, the number 1 reason...
1. You can't handle any more fun in your life!