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Old January 6th 04, 01:08 AM
Steve Nosko
Posts: n/a

I think I saw this topic on the 706 Yahoo group. I think you must make
sure you are sourcing the PSK signal from a higher output impedance circuit
to keep from loading the mic amp circuitry. The external input is in
parallel with the mic amp circuit. It is not a buffered input. You need to
have a large(er) resistor between the PSK output and the 706 input. You
will need more signal from the PSK to compensate.
I don't remember the numbers, but try this. Just connect a resistor
from the PSK input pin on the 706 to ground. NOTHING ELSE - DISCONNECT the
PSK interface. When you find what value changes the mic level an
acceptabley small amount (Perhaps it is 10K or 50K) , put this value in
series with the PSK output and increase the PSk level to get what modulation
you need.

"Christian Rogne" wrote in message
I have made an interface cable from the IC 706 to the PC. From pin 11 on

13 pins ACC to the speaker on the PC, and from 12 on ACC to the PC Mic. I
Also have made an easy transistor PTT switch connected to pin 3 on ACC,

the serial port on the PC. The problem is, when I have this connected to,
and try to make sideband operation, I got a very poor Mic Gain. Are there
someone who can help me with this problem ?

73's de LA8QJA, Christian