From: Dave Heil on Wed, Oct 18 2006 9:52pm
He might be a former RRAPper. Can you guess which one?
I'll go with Mark and say it is a current RRAPer...a pro-coder who
is wrapped too tight...either Jimmie Noserve or that Waffen SS guy.
I'll sidestep your rude and insulting remarks to advise you what I've
told others he I post as no one but myself in usenet.
Hmmm...that alone makes you "rude and insulting." Tsk, tsk.
Who is "the red-hatted monkey?"
Who is "the old organ-grinder?"
Who is "Jimmie Noserve?"
Who is "the Waffen SS guy?"
The same cannot be said for you, Avery.
My name is NOT "Avery."
Where do you find this "Avery?" Have you seen this "Avery"
on some Internet service provider? Lately? In the last
year? [other than the Avery Company which makes lots and
lots of labels and other office supplies]
Why are you being so rude and insulting in your remarks?
Who cares? You WILL be rude and insulting every time
someone writes anything against your opinions! :-)