General Electric TU-26-B Transmitter Tuning Unit for BC-191
Gosh, I've been 'in there' twice now and didn't notice a neutralizing
condenser, and I have an ol' National Radio one that has about 1" disks, one
on an adjustable screw, so I think I'd av noticed one. Yup, ur rite, this
was meant to tune a trailing wire from an aircraft, or a generic mobile
whip, so the SWR would have been often wild. All the more reason I'm after
the 6 position switch for a three-holer 4-400 amp I'm working on YEE-HAW!
Now since this unit is absolutely SHINEY BRIGHT NOS, another member of this
group has stepped up to the plate to get me to donate it to an antique
aviation museum in return for the HD ceramic parts I so coveted in this
beast, so that will probably be the final deal.
Another member of this list is in negotiation w/ me for an ol' Teletype
Model 15 KSR I have, his 'list name' is 'Rice' - I've had bad times in the
past in transfering my ol' goodies (an Hallisratchers BC-610 in excellent
condition w/ all coils to a 'supposed museum', for example) that despite my
'handshake' agreement that it NOT be parted out, dissappeared forever,
arrrgggh. Is this 'Rice' person legit here on the list?
I just took pictures of an ol' Airline Model SB 'B Power Supply' for eBay,
along with one of my many bread-slicer variable caps, so gotta get over
there and post 'em.
After about 40 years of hammin', I'm now having trouble even remembering
where I got all the strange ol' stuff I've in my basement, but the OL sez we
gotta get it cleaned out before I retire, so here we go (now to figure out
what caps are sour in the ol' R-390eh).
G'nite and enjoy the stuff that glowz,
Mark KX8XX ...-.-
"Ancient_Hacker" wrote in message
roadpizza wrote:
I have one that is NOS - wow, this is a beautiful piece of work! They
built stuff tough then. I'm gnawing my nails about parting it out, but
switches and ceramic parts will sure do well in some homebrew projects
around here.
If anyone wants some pictures, or knows of a BA web site that would use
pics of this beautiful beast, please lemme know, eh?
GL es 73 de Mark KX8XX ...-.-
Yep, love them big ceramic switches. But a lot of what seems like
overkill was necessary, as the antennas were not too well matched,
leading to high SWR's, voltages and currents, there was lots of
condensation wuith the temperature changes, and sparks fly easier at
high altitudes.
Isnt there a small neutralizing variable capacitor in there with like
half-inch spacing of the plates?