finco stinger
Jim - NN7K wrote:
Finco, if memory serves was a manufacturer of
antennas, back in the dark ages, around 50 years
ago, and , NOT the sharpest tools in the shed!
They work, BUT forget gain claims, and directivity
claims. For local work, they be ok, BUT for DX,
FORGET IT! (unless you are extremely luck to catch
a band opening on 2 meters) Remember articles on
how to improve Fincos, on 2 (and 6 meters), but
those would even be suspect in this day of
antenna modeling programs!-- Jim NN7K
David G. Nagel wrote:
Merlin-7 KI4ILB wrote:
Anyone ever heard of a finco stinger A2+2 yagi 2M beam?
If so where can I find a manual on it?
If you do a Google search you will find entries for a Finco Stinger CB
antenna but not a 2M beam.