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Old October 21st 06, 11:00 AM posted to,alt.ham-radio.hf
Ralph Mowery Ralph Mowery is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 702
Default Hf Antenna Question

"David G. Nagel" wrote in message
Chris W wrote:
I have been looking at the MFJ-1622 antenna. Part of the instructions
for antenna set up, which you can find here....
say to roll up about 30 feet of coax into a 12" diameter coil. This they
label as a choke. This just seems like a "duct tape" solution to me. Is
there a better way to accomplish the same thing? Would a few ferrite
beads on the coax do the trick or do I just have no idea what I am
talking about?

P.S. please check out my new Ham Radio Repeater Database web site.


Your best choke is about 30 feet of coax rolled up into a 12" coil.

This is not a duct tape solution but one that has been used for decades.
It is the cheapest and easiest choke you can use. Others are better but
not easier.


I agree that the coiled up coax is a good way to go. As far as cheapest ,
with the price of good rg-8 size coax the cost is now about the same as the
ready made chokes with the beads on them. If you factor in the cost of a
ready made center insulator for a dipole the cost could be more. Also 30
feet of coax can be another heavy weight to support.