Has morse code saved any lives recently?
Dave wrote:
David G. Nagel wrote:
Remember what that great American statesmen Winston Churchill once
said" We are one people divided by a common language".
Dave N grandson of a Brit and a Scot
A M E R I C A N S T A T E S M A N ???????????????????????
Well, he did do his statesmanship in Great Britain but he was the First
and so far only "Honorary American Citizen".
See Wikipedia. Appropriate extract: In 1963 U.S. President John F.
Kennedy acting under authorization granted by an Act of Congress,
proclaimed Churchill the first Honorary Citizen of the United States.
Churchill was too ill to attend the White House ceremony, so his son and
grandson accepted the award for him.
Besides his mother was an American Citizen conferring upon Winnie
eligibility for his own status of "American Citizen" should he have
chosen to exercise it.
Dave N.