2 scanners off of 1 antenna
thanks guys for the info.
I have another question if I put the antenna half way up the tower will I
have decreased signal coming into the antenna through the triangular tower.
would this not let the antenna be truly Omni? my tower is about 75 feet tall
and I do not have access to the top of the tower?
"Jeff" wrote in message
"TongSlinger" wrote in message
I want to put 2 scanners on a diamond d discone antenna. is this possible
without to much loss?
Forgot to add an important point. If you have a coax run of more
10-20 feet please dont use RG 58. You will get more loss from it than
the splitter especially at the higher freqs. If you dont want to/cant run
the bigger heavier coax i.e. RG 213 go with RG 6. Its a 75 ohm cable
instead of 50 but has very good loss rates and the difference in
will be negligible and its the same basic diameter of RG 58.