Gary, There are probably a hundred or so of them on the air, currently.
At times a half-dozen will show up on the East Coast "Old Military
Radio Net" each Saturday morning on 3885 (0500-0700 E/EDST). W3PWW is
the NCS. If you've been through the process already once, I won't bore
you with some of the regular pitfalls, like the Surplus Conversion
manual having incorrect power and metering connections. Good luck on
your project and check in with us some Sat. morning at o-dark-thirty....
de Jeep/K3HVG
On the air with an ATC/BC-348R,TCS-13,GRC-26D,GRC-19B,GRC-9Y, and an
Buzz wrote:
Is anyone the proud owner of an ART-13? I'm in the process of rebuilding my second one.
Gary KF9CM