dear friend....
this is to inform about the story that i lost everything
i was conducting some groups in a very good and perfect condition
i had more than 5000 members
in this 5000 adresses i just selected some of them
those who found that thet they love boys of age 10-15
if you love to see boyz in their natural beauty
it made just guess work from your EmailID
two weeks before somebody brute hacked my passwords
(yahoo password server uses an old technology,
anybody can get password reset ,of any yahoo email ID foolig by
a fake request)
as a result i am not able to get back in and continue with moderating
these groups
with the help of yahoo i try to retrieve some of your mail IDs
i am going to start one website
free nembership for all my old members
forward this message to your friends who has the same taste..
hope you will enjoy it
copy and paste the below typed address in the address bar and click
and one more thing important,dont delete this message
if problem occure in future to access the site please report to it to
any of the following mail IDs