HF6V / HF9V wanted
John I have those but they are in SC at the moment , reason being I'm
in the middle of a move....about a week or so if you don't find them ,
let me know and maybe we can work a deal out. I have some of the
radials too. These were only used for RX and I only had them inside my
apartment. These are COMET antennas your talking about right? I also
have a super magnet mount for these , big heavy duty one , actually a
bit much to be honest , depends on what you need , the are both fold
down models if I remember coreectly , I know the 6 is.
On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 15:44:14 -0500, John wrote:
Looking for xlnt condition HF6V or HF9V antenna. Must be complete, and
work 100%. Also interested in radial kits. Advise shipped price or will
pick up within 50 miles. Thanks.
St. Louis MO