Omega One Radio on 6.950.00 MHz
N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is Now on 6.950.00 MHz Lower Side Band with a power
output of 50 to 100 watts
Bull FUC-ING **** tardboy. Omega Radio has NEVER been
on the air at any time. Never was, Never will be. It is a creation
of your retarded mongoloid sloop-head'd brain. Perhaps if you hadn't
spent the best years of your life jerking off to gay hardcore pron
you'd be somewhere today instead of being just another nerdy twerp
in the ham radio newsgroups better known as the "world's biggest
virtual circle-jerk in cyberspace". No go back to the hot tub and this
time make sure the asswipes from W. Va and AL bring their OWN
condoms.....the cheap *******s! PFHBLTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!