"Don" wrote in message
I am restoring a National NC-120 receiver. I understand
this type was
used by the US Navy during World War 2. I need a repair
manual with
test information such as tube socket voltages and a
schematic with
component values. One similar to the ones I have for my
BC-348 R and
Bendix RA-1B that has pictorial drawings of component
placement and
arrangement of wiring would be great. Also any advice from
anyone with
experience with this model will be appreciated. So far I
have found the
power supply voltage to be about 220 DC and all the tubes
test OK, but
some of the socket voltages seem wrong to me but I am not
a radio tech.
The radio was working and just faded out.
I did a little web searching (always worth doing) and
found a page dedicated to this receiver at:
The site refers to the BAMA site and I was able to find a
handbook at:
http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~postr/bapix/NC120RAO.htm Listed
as the RAO, which was the Navy designation for this
This, like much other material on the BAMA site is in the
form of a Dejavu document and needs Djvu to open. This is
available as freeware at
Unfortunately, the digital compression of this program is
such as to make schmatics a bit blury and hard to read.
The NC-120/RAO is essentially the same receiver as the
NC-100AX. There is also a handbook for this and for other
versions, I would get all because one or the other will
fill-in info missing from a particular one. Unfortunately,
the main NC-100/101 handbook is really a condensation of
material about 2 similar but not identical receivers. The
NC-100 is the one with the large calibrated dial, the 101
was a ham band only receiver with a PW dial on it. There
appear to have been a number of variations of the receiver,
with different locations for some of the controls. The BAMA
site also has a handbook for the NC-100ASD, essentially the
same except for covering 100-400 Khz instead of the
broadcast band.
Good luck with this thing, I haven't seen an NC-100 for
quite some time but have always been intrigued by them. The
later NC-200 and 2-40D were based on this basic design with
more elaborate tuning arrangements.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA