I don't remember horse and buggy, outhouses, or churning butter
Slow Code wrote:
New hams just don't appreciate things anymore.
I don't remember,
cutting wood for winter, foraging the woods for berries,
turning the crank on a model T, building a spear to kill a deer,
washing my clothes in the river, making candles to light the night.
And I do appreciate that I don't have to do these things anymore.
I have helped cut wood for winter heating. I have also foraged for
berries, actually Granny knew where to look and took me along to help pick
berries. I have never hand cranked a model T, but have watched others do
it (was tied up with winter wood cutting, the "T" drove a belt with a rear
axle wheel to drive a large circular saw) I never did any of the other
things listed, but if Granny were still here, I'd bet she has and could
describe the process. Except the spear hunting, that was before Grannys
time and on the other side of the family.
Hi Harold,
My point is, times change, peoples change, and if you want to cut wood,
pick berries, crank a model T, or spear hunt,
Have at it, but your not out telling everybody they need to.