"C. J. Clegg" wrote in message

I have finally had enough of waiting forever for the FCC to get rid of
their kill-a-fly-with-a-sledgehammer approach to HF amp regulation, so
that I can get an amp for legal use with my FT-817.
Have any of you had any problems getting a Tokyo Hy-Power QRP amplifier
past the border watchdogs and into the USA?
I try to be law-abiding but I'm tired of the FCC's inability to enforce
the rules against the few, so they penalize everybody. I'd just like to
get a reasonable power level out of the FT-817, for times when 5W isn't
enough, and for legal use on legal ham bands with my legal Extra-class
Better yet, here is the actual posting from the serial number 2 builder:
I was a co-author on the original HF SuperPacker article in Dec 2005 QST
(along with Jonathan, WA3WDK). Jonathan and I consulted with Virgil as he
designed the SuperPacker Pro. I worked on one of the prototypes and did some
debugging of serial number 1.
Thus, it is not a surprise that I was able to successfully build the
SuperPacker Pro. On the other hand, this project required no debugging. It
worked for me the first time I powered it up.
I am happy to answer any questions about the build. If you post to this
group also send me a copy by email. Find my email address on QRZ.com.
I hope everyone who builds the SuperPacker Pro has as much fun as I did. For
sure, you will have a great little 100 watt (13 db gain) amp!
Andy Mitz WA3LTJ