Sal M. Onella wrote:
"Rick" wrote in message
In the spirit of trying to get something going on the subject of
antennas, and away from all the off topic posts......
Are you doing anything interesting with antennas?
For me, I have become interested in rhombics and am currently building
I am considering Roy W7EL's FD Special, published in QST in 1984. For
20M, it is about 32 feet long and has two elements separated with about
8 feet lengths of PVC tubing on each end. The elements are 300 ohm twin
It is a directional antenna. I wonder how difficult it would be to
reverse directionality?
I am considering re-configuring it for 17 meters.
What do you think...given the nadir of the sunspot cycle. Which is the
better band? (I am aiming this one approx NW from Ohio.)
And, yes, Father Owen, I'll consider velocity, etc. this time
The G5RV I recently built has Z= 86 + j22 at 7270 KHz and Z = 82 -j41 at
14000 KHz. SWR is a little higher than expected but OK.
Aren't antenna bridges cool?