Has morse code saved any lives recently?
wrote in message
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:34:12 -0500, "Mark's Best Buddy" anon@anon
"Jimmie D" wrote in message
"Dave" wrote in message
David G. Nagel wrote:
Remember what that great American statesmen Winston Churchill once
We are one people divided by a common language".
Dave N grandson of a Brit and a Scot
A M E R I C A N S T A T E S M A N ???????????????????????
Yep, He had his nose in our business enough.
Lest we forget other great statesemen, it will be a mere matter of minutes
before Mark Morgan steps up to the plate to tell us (in 100 posts or more)
that he majored in statesmanship while obtaining one of his many alleged
an obvious lie Chris or Lloyd or bell like your current nick the
statemeent is dishonest
What else can one expect from a former Colonel, Geophysicist, and
all around authority on every topic from Programming to Morse Code to
no former about it
The guy is a veritable fountain of endless knowledge.
thank you are now poccessing the beginings of wisdom
So, will you now STFU?