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Old November 1st 06, 06:25 AM posted to
Dave Heil Dave Heil is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 750
Default What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

From: on Tues, Oct 31 2006 4:17 am

Dee Flint wrote:

[ etc., etc., etc.... :-) ]

Half of all USA licensed amateurs are licensed under a Code-Free
You mean the Technician? If so, they are a considerable amount less
than half.
40% is more like it.
49.5% according to your very own postings.
You are mistaken, Brian.

No, I'm not.

The Technician license does not make up 49.5% of US hams. The total of
Technicians and Technician Pluses reaches about that level. (All
Technician Pluses are Morse Code tested).

The FCC did away with the Technician Plus class of license. They are
all Technicians now. The Technician license has no requirement for a
code exam. Should a Technician wish to use what were once Technician
Plus priveleges, they're on their own to show eligibility.

Miccolis can't seem to understand the LAW. No matter how
often it is explained to him, he falls back on the Speroni
'definition' of 'What Technicians Are.' Of course, AH0A
is a PCTA morseman of unchangeable ideas.

The LAW? There is more than one variety of "Technician". Jim provided
you fact. You've set out to distort it. You are a non-radio amateur
with unchangeable ideas.

Miccolis also insisted that ENIAC was "the first electronic
computer" because he got brainwashed by Moore School PR,
being in eastern PA. Funny thing, but the LAW was decided
in the early 1970s by a Federal Court trial and the Atanasof-
Berry Computer of 1939-1942 was declared "first."

The plain and simple fact is that Anderson was incorrect (again).

A quarter-million-mile distance was in all the newspapers
since the Apollo Program began. Perhaps he thinks only
astronomers read newspapers? :-)

I wouldn't want to get my Keplarian data from the newspapers.
The distance from the earth to the moon varies greatly.

Len claims to be a "PROFESSIONAL in radio-electronics" (whatever that
is) but he messes up on the length of an antenna for a radio service he
has claimed to use.

How can you be sure?

Tsk. Miccolis is hell-bent on character-assassination lately.

He's got you between Iraq and a hard place, Leonard. You'd have to have
some character other than the one you've displayed here for better than
a decade. That hasn't happened.

I make a typo in a message and he makes it into a HEADLINE
STORY charging some kind of ineptitude! :-)

A headline story? It didn't make my paper.

Not only that, his Waffen SS buddie has to chime in like it
is a capital offense! :-)

I don't think it was that bad, Len. It was simply exhibited
carelessness and inaccuracy on your part.

The same point that you and W3RV are making when you kick around SSB vs
CW in your field day and other scores. Why is it that comparing scores
is only something that you can do?

He has declared himself Ultimate Authority, therefore 'judge.'

The sponsoring organization is the Ultimate Authority, Len. You've made
another factual error.

The Morsemen

Who are they?

There used to be four of them...

The "Four Morsemen of the Apocalypse." :-)

Jim came up with a definition for "morsemen". I rather liked it.

I just don't see anyone using CWGet to operate a contest - even though
they could. Heck *you* could. Why don't you?

I don't enjoy morse code.

We can only, repeat ONLY, "see" what Miccolis sees. All else
is a 'mistake.'

The idea was Brian's. I'm wondering why he'd suggest such a thing if he
doesn't enjoy using Morse Code?

Why? The Conditional and its predecessor Class C go back to before the

So there's a long, long tradition in the dumbing down of the amateur
radio service.

By all those olde-tyme morsemen REFUSING to allow modernization
of the US amateur radio service in going to, and trying out NEW
modes, methods, and lobbying for UPDATING the ARS regulations.

Don't worry about it, old timer. After all, you aren't a part of
amateur radio.

BTW, Miccolis hasn't existed since AFTER the end of WW II, let
alone the creation of the FCC in 1934...but he is "knowledgeable"
by "experience" of all those old pioneers (in his heart he knows
he is 'right').

Did you mean that he has existed only after the end of World War II?
If you did, it wasn't what you wrote, PROFESSIONAL writer.

Miccolis hadn't learned to read yet when the amateur SSB boom
began...over two decades AFTER the commercial and military
radio world had begun using SSB for long-haul HF comms.

It'll likely even out, Len. He'll be here after you're gone.

has NO direct experience to the radio world of the 1950s
except in some juvenile way. He wasn't working for a living
among amateurs who were divided about the SSB issues nor was
he party to some of those amateurs' (of long standing then)
rather abject ignorance of basic modulation concepts.

I'm sure you have a point buried there somewhere. I'm damned if I can
find it.

Carson of AT&T had published the mathematical proof in 1915,
the basis of the 'phasing' concept...the rest of the radio
world accepted Carson's proof and those specializing in FM
adopted "Carson's Rule" on FM modulation index]


Miccolis never tuned up any SSB transmitter in the early 1950s
as I had to do, never QSYed one.

He can excuse his unfortunate (from your standpoint) late birth by
tuning up a few after you've departed this mortal coil.

Not on HF and sure as hell
not IN the military (he never served).

Your sentence seems to be made up of a clause. Well, super soldier, you
have no way of knowing if he served in the military or not. I'm sure
that vast quantities of licensed radio amateurs have tuned up and QSY'd
SSB transmitters more times than you. Now what?

Neither did he tune
up or QSY any RTTY of MUX TTY transmitter on HF in that time
frame. But...he "knows" all about it by reading about it in
QST and the ARRL Handbook.

What does the time frame matter in this example, Len? Are you claiming
time-in-grade or something?

Miccolis is a MORSEMAN.

Under the definition he provided, he certainly is. You are not a
morseman. You are not a radio amateur. Better than a decade after you
first appointed yourself advocate for something-or-other in amateur
radio, you are still not a partcipant. Go figure!

Those of the "CW gets through when
nothing else will" DUMBED-DOWN amateur persuasion.

That's one of your factual errors and it seems to be a deliberate one.

All they
can conceive is switching RF off and on using morse code.

There's another of your factual errors.

Methods that were used in the very first 'radios' of the
Spark Tx and 'crystal detector' era.

You've offered up another non-sentence.

On-off keying of a CW

You write a great many non-sentences.

Wow, real "technical" and full of smarts to bang-
bang switch a carrier!

If it is so easy, why haven't you been able to obtain an amateur radio
license, Len?

Did the ARRL *ever* lobby to improve regulations for the
'new' modes in the ARS?


Hell, the DSSS and FHSS modes were
kept hamstrung by ARS regulations into the 1990s...when the
commercial and military radio services were already using
DSSS and FHSS...DSSS being the major player in the commercial
WLAN and 'wireless' market.

Did the ARRL hamstring the modes, Len?

RTTY is still struggling along
with OLD speed limits.

Yeah and amplitude modulation is still king of the medium wave broadcast

PSK31 was innovated by a Brit (Peter
Martinez) and was trial-tested in Europe for five years
before it got any publicity in US ham magazines. Non-US
hams have been using PM for extremely-weak radio comms for
years, on bands below the lowest allocated US ham bands;
the ARRL is finally getting around to 'requesting help' for
frequencies as 'low' as a small sliver just above 500 KHz,
helped get an 'experimental net' going there in this new
millennium. Wow, really 'advanced technology' there,
"exploring 'long wave' comms" with "CW."

What's it to you, Len. How are you involved? Aren't you the
self-appointed advocate for something-or-other in amateur radio.
Maybe you should go advocate.

"CW gets through when nothing else will." One of the 1930s
era MYTHS, born when hams were trying out DSB AM in days
before WW II. "CW" does NOT 'get through' better than PM
or some of the other modes, but the DUMBED-DOWN morsemen
just can't understand that. They think that OOK CW is
"smart!" 1906 thinking in the year 2006. Ptui.

Does CW outperform SSB or AM or FM under adverse circumstances, Len?

Try to stay on the subject.
I am on the subject. You're trying to change it.

If you choose to comment on somthing I say, then confine it to what I
said. If you stick with that simple concept, you'll do OK.

Brian, you KNOW Miccolis will NEVER do that. He runs off
at the keyboard into dozens of wild trips off the thread.
Mainly it is an attempt at MISDIRECTION so he won't have to
explain his own errors, mistakes, false assumptions, and
general ignorance of ALL radio, not the kind of radio that
was spoon-fed to him by ARRL publications.

I'm really curious about when you might be expected to explain your
errors, mistakes, false assumptions and general ignorance, Len.

First off, they had to have offices with test facilities. The office
they had in Philadelphia back when I took my exams was on the 10th
floor of the Custom House at 2nd and Chestnut. Lots of square feet of
prime real estate just for the exam room.
Then there was the time of the examiners, all of whom worked for FCC.
Pay and benefits. At least two people per office, three days a week.
Times the number of offices all over the country.

[ Philly is the Center of the USA?

Philadelphia is a rather large city, Len. I don't recall Jim's having
written that it was the center of the United States. There isn't much
in the center of the United States. What does the center of the United
States have to do with the price of prime real estate in Philly?

I can't remember
the floor of the FCC Field Office in the Federal Building in
Chicago, IL, as it was located in 1956...other than it was
upstairs...might have been the 3rd floor, but the location
wasn't important.

Then why mention it? *Yawn* Chicago is the center of the United

Several being examined for Radiotelegraph
licenses were audible QRM in the same room when I took my
Radiotelephone written test (lots of Great Lakes shipping used
"CW" then) The Chicago FCC office didn't need "lots of room
for equipment" paper-tape code reproducer was good enough
and the jacks for various keys didn't take up much space. Tables
and chairs for examinees was standard government-issue stuff,
tables too high and chairs uncushioned to make all uncomfortable]

Thanks for the swell description of the furniture.

[The Long Beach, CA, FCC Field Office of today is only slightly
better. Was never there for any test (didn't need to), only to
get a pile of paper for own business radio (non-amateur) cleared
away. By that time the FCC was busy, busy, busy with lots of
commercial radio and the new radio services and the rather
explosive growth of PLMRS that was opening the "high band"]


Then add the FCC folks who revised the exams, duplicated them, and
distributed them to the various offices all over the country. And the
cost of doing all that.

[Apparently Miccolis thinks ALL the FCC does is to regulate
amateur radio?!? He is blissfully UNaware of the fantastic
growth of ALL radio services in the last half century. He still
won't acknowledge the COLEM (who do privatized testing of non-
amateur radio operator licenses) nor of the privatized PLMRS
frequency coordinators nor of the fact of reduced paperwork and
licensing of the private maritime radio users (Long Beach is at
the heart of the maritime import-export top harbor and in the
center of dozens of large marinas).

Despite your diatribe, I don't believe that Jim is "UNaware", blissfully
or otherwise of the growth of other radio services.

The FCC is concerned with
regulation of ALL US civil radio services, not just amateur.]

That's a masterful restatement of the obvious.

Maybe next
time you'll be able to cut and paste something germane to the subject.
The subject was the reduction in license requirements by FCC giving
over the testing to VEs.

Nope. I twas the creation of the Conditional License.

According to the subject line, it is "What is the ARRL's thought on
having good amateurs".

Miccolis did his misdirection thing, then attempted to impose
'lawn order' by saying HE was 'judge' over what was being
discussed. Gotta love it. He's been doing that for years...
and manages to get away with it. :-)

If you could only see yourself as others see you, Leonard H. Anderson.

Then he gets caught and he bleats, "Show me where? Provide
the posting!" He has been "hurt" or maybe "insulted" when
folks disagree with him, poor guy.

You don't seem to be able to provide proof for many of your statements.
Brian Burke takes great liberties with the truth in quoting others.

Dave K8MN