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Old November 2nd 06, 12:50 AM posted to,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
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Default What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

From: on Tues, Oct 31 2006 5:52 pm

From: on Tues, Oct 31 2006 4:17 am

Dee Flint wrote:

[ etc., etc., etc.... :-) ]

Half of all USA licensed amateurs are licensed under a Code-Free

You mean the Technician? If so, they are a considerable amount less
than half.

40% is more like it.

49.5% according to your very own postings.

You are mistaken, Brian.

No, I'm not.

Half of all USA licensed amateurs are licensed under a Code-Free

Ooops. Without inserting the word "TEST" in "Code-free" will
automatically alert Mighty Macho Morseman Miccolis to run off
again with his "helpful correction of mistakes." :-)

The Technician license does not make up 49.5% of US hams. The total of
Technicians and Technician Pluses reaches about that level. (All
Technician Pluses are Morse Code tested).

The FCC did away with the Technician Plus class of license. They are
all Technicians now. The Technician license has no requirement for a
code exam. Should a Technician wish to use what were once Technician
Plus priveleges, they're on their own to show eligibility.

Miccolis can't seem to understand the LAW. No matter how
often it is explained to him, he falls back on the Speroni
'definition' of 'What Technicians Are.' Of course, AH0A
is a PCTA morseman of unchangeable ideas.

Half of all USA licensed amateurs are licensed under a Code-Free

Tsk, Mighty Macho Morseman Miccolis will HAVE to "reply" with
his "helpful correction of mistakes" a la the mighty macho
morseman style of "knowing what is best for amateur radio"
(as He sees it...).

Miccolis also insisted that ENIAC was "the first electronic
computer" because he got brainwashed by Moore School PR,
being in eastern PA. Funny thing, but the LAW was decided
in the early 1970s by a Federal Court trial and the Atanasof-
Berry Computer of 1939-1942 was declared "first."

btw, no US amateur radio license is "code-free". All of them can use
Morse Code.

And they can all use CWGet.

...and they can all toss their morse keys into the dumpster. :-)

Half of all USA licensed amateurs are licensed under a Code-Free

True enough...and the OTHER half had to take a morse code TEST
to get that AMATEUR license.

btw, next Tuesday I get to choose between Curt Weldon and Joe Sestak.
Which do you think I should vote for?

Who did you vote for last time?

...and why in hell should WE care?

I just don't get it.

Miccolis must think the rest of us live in HIS reality
(or rather ego-geographic-center-of-the-universe). In
another week we Californians (about 30 million of us)
will be voting on a number of state and local issues.
"Weldon and Sestak" don't seem to be on that ballot.

And you couldn't even get the distance to the moon,

You are mistaken.


If'n Jimmie he say "mistaken" he be da Judge! He be da Law!


I'm not buying it.

Neither am I.

Half of all USA licensed amateurs are licensed under a Code-Free

A mere 17 years ago there was no such thing as a "code-free"
(meaning No Morse Code TEST) amateur radio license.

You've repeatedly claimed that I mis-stated the distance from Earth to
the moon on rrap.
Show us where I did that - if you can.

I don't think you can, because it did not happen. If I did it, show us.

Otherwise you're just making things up.

You're making that up.

Miccolis ought to move to L.A. and get in the make-up biz.
Lotsa money to be made here in the entertainment capitol
of show business. Especially around Halloween time...:-)

God knows the "Professional" PCTAs can't Kiss and Make-Up.

It must be a violation of their "professional" code of
ethics? :-)

Usually to those kind of folks I just tell them to
Kiss my ass. I've given that up on my MD's advice,
he say I might catch something dangerous... :-)

and you're a "professional."

I've never claimed to be a professional astronomer.

What? Only astronomers get to calculate path loss in space?

A quarter-million-mile distance was in all the newspapers
since the Apollo Program began. Perhaps he thinks only
astronomers read newspapers? :-)

Only "Professional" Astronomers can write space articles in teh

Riiiight. :-)

Len claims to be a "PROFESSIONAL in radio-electronics" (whatever that
is) but he messes up on the length of an antenna for a radio service he
has claimed to use.

How can you be sure?

Tsk. Miccolis is hell-bent on character-assassination lately.
I make a typo in a message and he makes it into a HEADLINE
STORY charging some kind of ineptitude! :-)

It was obviously a typo. But Jim and Dave put on their stupid face

True enough. They don't have ONE consideration that I saw
my error and posted my own correction of it.

On every 'QWERTY' keyboard there is one key with an
(unshifted) apostrophe and a (shifted) double-quote.
In the shorthand version of dimensioning, a foot is
denoted by the suffix of an apostrophe while an inch
is denoted by the suffix of double quote. As an
example, my height can be written 5' 10" or, in longer
form, five feet ten inches. In rapid typing (I learned
touch-typing in middle school) it is possible to make
a mistake in too much pressure on the Shift key and
inadvertently type in the double-quote. the Grand Inquisitor manner of the might macho
morsemen, a type by an NCTA is a CAPITAL OFFENSE,
punishable by a lifetime of message comments about that
typo...and NEVER acknowledging that it was corrected!

Not only that, his Waffen SS buddie has to chime in like it
is a capital offense! :-)

Tsk, Miccolis is now under Typo Alert Status, condition Red.
Each and every typo HE makes will be FEATURED INEPTITUDES of
his own! Regardless of his 'explanations' of his typos, he
will be charged with violations of all mankind! :-)

Chimes against humanity!

HAR!!! :-) [Heil went to 'Ding Dong School'? :-)]

That's all in the sense of "justice, fair play, common sense,
(etc.)" to "HELP" others. :-)

Jim is so helpful. I recall asking for the formula to calculate a coil
to match an end-fed half-wave antenna to 50 ohm coax. Then I got told
right off that I should have a different kind of antenna and then the
stomp fest began.

I remember. Somewhere along that line, Reg Edwards' ready-to-
go small computer program was mentioned. Reg is a UK ham of
long time and has a bunch of small programs made just for many
particular amateur radio applications. If you still have a
need, I'll dig out his URL and post it here. Reg appears in once in a while.

The Morsemen

Who are they?

There used to be four of them...

The "Four Morsemen of the Apocalypse." :-)

There's only two now. A sign of the times.

They can't see the signs!

Many, many, many amateur just aren't interested in morse code, and
many, many, many amateurs just aren't interested in contests.

Blasphemy! Heresy! The Church of St. Hiram may begin
the Inquisition with you tied on the stake, Brian!

Are they getting bored with Copernicus?

Could be...all the NCTA must appear as Galileo to them...

I don't enjoy morse code.

We can only, repeat ONLY, "see" what Miccolis sees. All else
is a 'mistake.'

But I really don't enjoy morse code.

According to Mighty Macho Morseman Miccolis, anyone trying
morse code "WILL" like it! :-)

[at least he didn't go balls-out and say what he must have
meant..."anyone trying morse code SHALL like it" :-) ]

Why? The Conditional and its predecessor Class C go back to before the

So there's a long, long tradition in the dumbing down of the amateur
radio service.

By all those olde-tyme morsemen REFUSING to allow modernization
of the US amateur radio service in going to, and trying out NEW
modes, methods, and lobbying for UPDATING the ARS regulations.

BTW, Miccolis hasn't existed since AFTER the end of WW II, let
alone the creation of the FCC in 1934...but he is "knowledgeable"
by "experience" of all those old pioneers (in his heart he knows
he is 'right').

He feels a special kinship with them, and through that kinship he has
served in other ways.

I get the impression he really, Really, REALLY want to BE
THERE doing that "pioneering."

But, he really, Really, REALLY wasn't there doing that...

Miccolis hadn't learned to read yet when the amateur SSB boom
began...over two decades AFTER the commercial and military
radio world had begun using SSB for long-haul HF comms.

An OSU Alum put SSB radios in airplanes. Oh, what was his name?

Art Collins? :-) Hmmm...I thought he went to ISU, not OSU.

USAF SAC was the igniter of the single-channel SSB use and
Collins Radio of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, got the contracts.

Never mind that RCA Corporation ALSO got the contracts and
supplied single-channel SSB on HF to the USAF. Collins had
the more-savvy-PR and started selling to the commercial world
and to amateurs. Collins Radio got started with Art making
transmitters to-order before WW II. RCA didn't go the full-
on route of marketing, probably too busy doing the bigger
thing with television.

has NO direct experience to the radio world of the 1950s
except in some juvenile way. He wasn't working for a living
among amateurs who were divided about the SSB issues nor was
he party to some of those amateurs' (of long standing then)
rather abject ignorance of basic modulation concepts. [John
Carson of AT&T had published the mathematical proof in 1915,
the basis of the 'phasing' concept...the rest of the radio
world accepted Carson's proof and those specializing in FM
adopted "Carson's Rule" on FM modulation index]

He sure was a funny guy. I used to stay up late to watch him.

Ahem. John Carson of AT&T wasn't the same as Johnny Carson
of NBC Tonight Show fame. :-) But I am a fan of both...

Miccolis never tuned up any SSB transmitter in the early 1950s
as I had to do, never QSYed one. Not on HF and sure as hell
not IN the military (he never served). Neither did he tune
up or QSY any RTTY of MUX TTY transmitter on HF in that time
frame. But...he "knows" all about it by reading about it in
QST and the ARRL Handbook.

He can tell you all about the contributions that the ARS made during WW
II, except that the ARS wasn't authorized during WW II.

...not to mention that Miccolis never ever served in any
military. :-(

"CW gets through when nothing else will." One of the 1930s
era MYTHS, born when hams were trying out DSB AM in days
before WW II. "CW" does NOT 'get through' better than PM
or some of the other modes, but the DUMBED-DOWN morsemen
just can't understand that. They think that OOK CW is
"smart!" 1906 thinking in the year 2006. Ptui.

Sam Morse desinged his code to be marked on a tape with a pen.

True enough and recorded history of 1844. On some history
website there is a digitized image of the famous "What hath
God wrought" message marked on tape. Smithsonian?

Alfred Vail, benefactor of Morse, came up with a CHANGE of
"morse code" from the original all-numbers scheme to the
representation of each English letter to a dot-dash combo.
About the same time Morse and the Vail railroad works
just couldn't make a reliable pen mechanism.

Radio was tried in 1895 by Marconi in Switzerland, using only
the presence of a radio signal. In 1896 Marconi sent simple
character groups in morse code for a public demonstration in
Italy. In the same year Aleksandr Popov in Russia. 1896 is
FIFTY-TWO YEARS AFTER the first Morse-Vail Telegraph System
debuted in Baltimore, MD. This 'morse code' thing was rather
mature by 1896.

The point about 'morse code' is that it was technologically
SIMPLE. An electrical circuit is either on or off. Early
radio was technologically SIMPLE. Transmitters' "RF output"
was either on or off. Morse code was used because the two
SIMPLE things were compatible. It is total bull**** to
imagine that morse code had some kind of "state-of-the-art"
magic at the beginning. It was technologically CONVENIENT,
established (in wireline comms), and mature (lots of
morse code operators after 52 years of use worldwide).

I've never met anyone from tha FCC. I saw Riley at Dayton. Ed Hare,
too, but I don't confuse the ARRL for the FCC like lotsa hams do.

You must mean the 'Dayton Hamvention?' :-) Gotta be EXACT
in everything in here lest the mighty macho morsemen try to
be "helpful" with their "mistake corrections"!

Sometimes I think the ARRL confuses itself with all those
"official" things it has. It's a clever descriptor for
whatever they are describing, gives it some glow of

[Apparently Miccolis thinks ALL the FCC does is to regulate
amateur radio?!? He is blissfully UNaware of the fantastic
growth of ALL radio services in the last half century. He still
won't acknowledge the COLEM

There's a famous ARS VEC who is also COLEM. They had me take sumptin
that looked surprisingly like an Amateur Advanced exam, then I got a
GROL in the mail.

You mean the 'W5YI Group?' :-)

Mighty macho morseman Miccolis probably thinks Fred is
a Golem, not a COLEM. :-)

(who do privatized testing of non-
amateur radio operator licenses) nor of the privatized PLMRS
frequency coordinators nor of the fact of reduced paperwork and
licensing of the private maritime radio users (Long Beach is at
the heart of the maritime import-export top harbor and in the
center of dozens of large marinas). The FCC is concerned with
regulation of ALL US civil radio services, not just amateur.]

I don't think they realize that.

...or they don't care to acknowledge it.

Then he gets caught and he bleats, "Show me where? Provide
the posting!" He has been "hurt" or maybe "insulted" when
folks disagree with him, poor guy.

Only Jim can feel strongly about the ARS.

Miccolis belongs to another ARS: Archaic Radiotelegraphy

There appears to be. The ARRL VEC and other VECs are giving el 1 exams
at 13-15WPM when Part 97 says 5WPM.

"It's for newcomers' own good" is probably the morsemen's only
good-enough answer.

That's exactly what they say. "Thank you sir, may I have another?"

[ "What? You want 'more!?!" :-) ]

Ultimately, they've confused a "Learning Method" with a REGULATORY

Sigh...ain't it da troot?

REAL attorneys can comment on whether or not I am "mistaken."
Miccolis hasn't been admitted to a Legal Bar Association
yet and is unqualified to comment on law. But, he WILL
comment on that AS IF he IS the law...("truth, justice,
and the American way" spoken by SuperHam)


It's important to deny access to prospective amateurs based upon
something so ill defined. "Keeps the riff-raff out."

Yes, all must do as the Morsemen do, marching in ranks to
the morse drum-beat! All not with the Hive Mind are
"riff-raff," bottom-river-scum...etc., etc.

All must do 1906 thinking in the year 2006! :-(