Amateurs used to be something special.
Ham radio is HOPLESSELY OBSOLETE Bunkie !
It used to be a big thing 20 or 30 Years ago when
the local ham could talk halfway around the world
right from his basement or spare room ham shack.
Today you have 10 year olds doing the same thing
thru Broadband and ISDN links via a computer.
Ham Radio is NOT NEEDED ANY MORE. Get that
thru the iron plate in yer head and you'll sleep better.
Slow Code wrote:
We were different because we could communicate with each other in morse.
If code is eliminated there won't be anything unique anymore. Someone
making an effort to learn code was also viewed has someone who most likely
went out of their way to learn other things too, but now people look at
the no codes and they don't see anything special there.